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Skinoren gel 15% 30gr

  • $51.71
  • 2 or more $50.60
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  • Availability:In Stock

Skinoren user manualYou can buy Skinoren on this pageCompositionSkinoren gel composition: micronized azelaic acid in a concentration of 150 mg / g, polysorbate 80, polyacrylic acid, propylene glycol, lecithin, sodium hydroxide, tr..

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Skinoren user manual

You can buy Skinoren on this page


Skinoren gel composition: micronized azelaic acid in a concentration of 150 mg / g, polysorbate 80, polyacrylic acid, propylene glycol, lecithin, sodium hydroxide, triglycerides, benzoic acid, disodium edetate, purified water.
In the composition of Skinoren, released in the form of an ointment, azelaic acid enters at a concentration of 200 mg / g. As auxiliary components are used: benzoic acid, macrogol glyceryl stearate, a mixture of cetostearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, coconut oil fatty acid glycerides and cetyl palmitate, cetostearyl ethylcaprolate, glycerol 85%, propylene glycol, purified water.

Form of issue

Skinoren has two dosage forms:
    gel 15%;
    cream 20%.
The gel has the appearance of a white or slightly yellowish opaque substance. The sale comes in tubes of 5, 15, 30 and 50 grams.
The cream is a matte, homogeneous white mass. The form of release - tubes 30 grams.

pharmachologic effect

Local treatment of acne. The azelaic acid, which is part of the preparation, effectively removes inflammation, has pronounced antibacterial and keratolytic effects.
It has bacteriostatic properties in relation to propionibacterium acne (Propionibacterium acnes) - Gram (+) of bacteria that cause the appearance of acne, as well as against epidermal staphylococcus (Staphylococcus epidermidis).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Skinoren's effectiveness in the treatment of acne (acne) is due to the antibacterial properties of azelaic acid and the ability of the substance to have a direct effect on follicular (hair) hyperkeratosis.
In in vivo and in vitro models, it inhibits the proliferation of keratinocytes (the main cells of the epidermal layer) and normalizes the terminal processes of differentiation of epidermal cells due to acne.
Against the backdrop of the drug, there is a significant decrease in the density of the colonies of propionibacteria acne, as well as a significant decrease in the concentration of free fatty acids in lipids on the surface of the skin (due to this, the fat content of the skin decreases).
The mechanism of action of azelaic acid on pathogenic phenomena that occur with rosacea is not exactly established. In several studies, it was found that in in vitro and ex vivo models, the substance is capable of arresting the inflammatory process, reducing the production of reactive metabolites of oxygen (its free-radial forms) and the formation of anti-inflammatory agents.
Azelaic acid has a dose-and time-dependent inhibitory effect on the growth and viability of abnormal melanocytes.
After local application of the drug, azelaic acid passes into all layers of the skin, and penetrates into the damaged skin an order of magnitude faster than in intact. In total, after a single application of 5 grams of 20% Skinoren cream (equivalent to 1 gram of azelaic acid), no more than 3.6% of the dose is absorbed through the skin.
Clinical studies of the use of the agent for acne have shown that the rate of absorption of azelaic acid for the cream and for the gel is the same.
From the body, the substance is partially eliminated with urine in its pure form, its residue passes through a cycle of degradation reactions and decomposes into dicarboxylic acids with a shorter chain length. Products of beta-oxidation of azelaic acid are also found in the urine.

Indications for use

Gel Skinoren is designed to treat papulopustular forms of acne on the face of mild and / or moderate severity, as well as to treat papulopustular rosacea.
Indications for the use of the cream are acne (common acne) and melasma.


Skinoren is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to azelaic acid or any of the auxiliary substances in the preparation.

Side effects

Skinoren does not provoke the development of systemic side effects. In clinical trials, only local reactions to drug treatment were identified. As a rule, the symptoms associated with the use of the gel or cream are mild or moderate; often their number decreases with the continuation of therapy.
Most often in clinical studies, itching, burning and soreness at the place of application of the ointment were recorded.
Rare, increased dryness of the skin, paresthesia at the site of application of the cream / gel may be noted less frequently. In patients with rosacea, the possibility of developing a local edema of the dermis at the site of application is not ruled out.
In patients with acne, in a number of cases (with a frequency of ≥1 / 1000 to <1/100), such phenomena as contact dermatitis, skin flaking, erythema, sensation of heat and a discoloration of the skin on the site of application of the preparation were noted.
With a similar frequency with rosacea were recorded: contact dermatitis, acne, discomfort on the treated area of ​​the skin, erythema, urticaria.

Instructions for Skinoren

Skinoren preparations are intended solely for application to the skin.
The treatment regimen is selected individually depending on the extent of the lesions, the degree of neglect of the process and the individual characteristics of the patient. Both medicinal forms of Skinoren should be applied to the skin, previously purified by water or a soft cosmetic agent.
Following the recommendations in the instructions for use, Skinoren gel or Skinoren ointment is evenly distributed in a thin layer on the affected areas of the skin and lightly rubbed. The treatment is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
The drug is recommended to use in sufficient quantities, but not exceeding the measure. Typically, in order to process the entire surface of the face, a strip of 2.5 cm long (corresponding to approximately 0.5 grams of gel / cream) is sufficient.
Skinoren is intended for regular use throughout the course of treatment, the duration of which the doctor determines depending on the clinical situation and the effectiveness of therapy.
With acne and rosacea, the patient's condition is improved after about 4 weeks of continuous treatment. However, to consolidate the result achieved, the use of the drug is recommended to continue for several more months (there is a clinical experience of the continuous use of gel / cream for a period of up to a year).
The need for using additional protection from ultraviolet radiation during treatment with the drug is not present.
In the case of melasma, the cream is the optimal dosage form. According to the instructions for use Skinoren cream, the minimum duration of treatment is three months. For a more pronounced result, it is recommended to use the ointment regularly.

Throughout the course of therapy, sunscreens should be used, which protect the skin from UVB and UVA rays. This is due to the fact that under the influence of medium and long waves of ultraviolet radiation, the disease can become aggravated, and already cleared areas of the skin will again begin to change pigmentation.
Avoid contact of the treated skin with clothing, and it is not recommended to cover the place of application with an occlusive dressing.
After each treatment, hand wash thoroughly.
In cases where the use of cream / gel provokes skin irritation, it is necessary to reduce the single dose of the agent or reduce the frequency of its application up to 1 time per day (up to the complete disappearance of symptoms of irritation). If this is necessary, the treatment is stopped for a few days.
In the absence of improvements, a month after the start of treatment, as well as in case of aggravation of acne, the drug is canceled and alternative treatment is selected. In patients with rosacea, the reason for discontinuing the drug is the lack of effect 2 months after the start of the course.


Azelaic acid is a low-toxic substance (both at the local and system level), due to which drug overdose and the onset of intoxication are considered unlikely.


Studies of drug and other forms of drug interaction were not conducted. Skinoren's composition does not imply any undesirable interaction of its individual components, which would change the safety profile of the facility. Pharmacospecific interaction in controlled studies was not revealed.

Storage conditions

Optimum storage temperature Skinoren - no more than 25 ° C.

Shelf life

The cream is considered usable for 5 years, the gel - within 3 years after the release date.

special instructions

Skinoren contains benzoic acid - a substance provoking a slight irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes, and propylene glycol, which can also cause skin irritation.
Do not allow the cream / gel to come into the eyes, mouth or mucous membranes. If this still happens, the eyes, mouth or mucous membrane should be washed immediately with plenty of water. If you can not remove eye irritation, we recommend that you consult a doctor.
During the treatment of the papulopustular form of rosacea, it is advisable not to use alcohol-containing detergents, as well as binders, abrasive or exfoliating agents and alcohol solutions.

Skinoren for children

The drug is allowed to prescribe to children over 12 years. There is no need to adjust the dose.
There is no reliable information that Skinoren is safe for children under 12 years of age. Also, the safety and efficacy of using the agent for the treatment of papulopustular rosacea in children older than 12 years have not been established.

Skinoren during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

It is not known exactly how safe azelaic acid preparations are for pregnant women. In the course of laboratory animal studies, there was no direct or indirect adverse effect on the course of pregnancy, embryogenesis, intrauterine fetal development, delivery and postnatal development.
Despite the absence of direct contraindications to the application, the cream and gel during pregnancy should be used with caution.
Newborn children should not be exposed to Skinoren treated skin / breast. There is no reliable information about whether azelaic acid is able to penetrate the milk of a nursing woman.
Nevertheless, it was found in in vitro experiments using equilibrium dialysis techniques that it is impossible to completely exclude such a possibility. For this reason, it is recommended to use the drug with caution and with the approval of a doctor.

Reviews about Skinoren

Cream and gel Skinoren - and the reviews are a confirmation - proved to be an effective tool in the fight against acne, and the use of gel with rosacea allows in some cases to affect the links of the pathogenesis of the disease.
Among the main advantages of the drug, consumers note that Skinoren well dampens the resulting inflammatory elements, fights closed comedones, kills bacteria that cause the appearance of acne (not only acting on the surface of the skin, but also in the deeper layers of the skin), eliminates greasy shine , whitens the skin, can be used for prevention.
Cosmetologists in the reviews of the gel note that the remedy is really effective, but to see the result, they need to use regularly and, at least, for three months.
The main secret of the drug is that it has a cumulative effect, so most of the negative feedback associated with the fact that Skinoren did not help solve the problem of acne is often due to improper and / or irregular use of the drug.
Another important property of the drug is the lack of response to the effects of sunlight and the effect on the photosensitivity of the skin, which allows you to apply it yourself, as a caring cream for cosmetics.
That is, analyzing the reviews of specialists and users, we can conclude that Skinoren really cures acne, but does it slowly and gradually.
In the opinion of cosmetologists, in order for the effect to be more pronounced and prolonged, treatment should be supplemented with regular and regular facial cleansing, toning using alcohol-free tonics (preferably with herbal extracts or acids), moistening the skin with mild non-medicated creams.
Minuses means its high cost, and also that in the first days (and sometimes weeks) its use is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching, burning (sometimes quite strong) and tingling of the skin.

Which is better, cream or gel Skinoren?

Like most other drugs for the treatment of acne, Skinoren has more than one dosage form. In this regard, the question naturally arises: "What should I choose - cream or gel?".
Having studied the instructions for both products, it can be found that the cream and gel have insignificant differences in composition: thus, the concentration of the active substance in the gel is 15%, and in the cream - 20.
This is due to the fact that the gel has a polymer base that eliminates the fat and alcohol content and thanks to which azelaic acid penetrates faster and easier into the skin, providing faster disposal of acne. Thus, the gel does not need an additional 5% of the active substance.
Approximately 70% of the gel consists of water, the concentration of fats in it - 3%. As for the cream, in it water is 50% of the volume, and fats - 15%.
Ointment (both cream and gel) should be applied to the skin twice a day. In this case, the gel is the optimal form for people with a fat-prone skin, but the cream is recommended for use in dry, normal or sensitive skin.
Complexly influencing the negative factors that provoke the appearance of acne and rosacea, the gel / cream does not overdry the skin and is not addictive.
In reviews about the gel Skinoren it is indicated that the remedy is quickly absorbed, leaving no streaks and oily shine on the skin. In addition, the gel from acne has a hydrating and cooling effect, which allows you to use it for applying under makeup.
In reviews about Skinoren cream from acne, people who use acne remedies that the cream not only cures acne, but also effectively removes the remaining posture on the face, helps to get rid of pigment spots, returns the skin a beautiful color and health.
It is impossible to say unambiguously which form of Skinoren is better. Although the difference in the composition of funds is minimal, someone is more suitable gel, and someone - cream. Some note that the use of the drug (especially at the initial stages of treatment) is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
Therefore, when choosing this or that anti-acne remedy, in order not to damage the skin and not aggravate the course of the disease, one should follow the recommendations of an experienced dermatologist.

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