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Benatex vaginal supp. #10

  • $19.61
  • 3 or more $18.90
  • Availability:In Stock

Instruction for BenatexReed more and buy BenatexCompositionThe composition of vaginal suppositories includes 18.9 mg of benzalkonium chloride and a mixture of triglycerides of natural saturated fatty acids of vitessol in the amoun..

Instruction for Benatex

Reed more and buy Benatex


The composition of vaginal suppositories includes 18.9 mg of benzalkonium chloride and a mixture of triglycerides of natural saturated fatty acids of vitessol in the amount necessary to produce a single suppository with a mass of 1.71 to 1.89 g.

Form of issue

Vaginal Candles Benatex have a torpedo shape, and their color can vary from white to white with a slightly yellowish tinge. Suppositories are issued in contour cell packs of 5 pieces each. In one cardboard bundle there are 2 cell packs.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Benatex belongs to the category of spermicidal-active contraceptives for intravaginal use.
In addition, the drug provides antifungal, antiprotozoal and antiseptic effects, as well as suppresses the activity of viruses that provoke the development of herpes simplex.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The therapeutic effect of suppositories, tablets and gel Benatex is determined by the activity of the benzalkonium chloride entering into their composition, which has pronounced antiseptic properties.
The substance belongs to the pharmacological groups:
    Medicines that have antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antihelminthic effects.
    Drugs that have antiseptic and disinfectant effects.
    Medicinal products with an organotropic effect.
    Medicines, the action of which is aimed at regulating the function of the reproductive organs and organs of the urinary system.
    Non-hormonal contraceptives.
Benzalkonium chloride may have the appearance of an amorphous powder or a gelatinous mass of white or white with a slightly yellowish hue. And in the form of a powder, and in the form of a gel, the substance is readily soluble in water, alcohol and acetone; insoluble in benzene and practically insoluble in ether.
As a cationic detergent, benzalkonium chloride has the ability to penetrate into the cell membranes and, embedded in them, interact with the lipoproteins of membranes of microorganisms and spermatozoa.
Such interaction provokes violation of the integrity of membranes of microorganisms and spermatozoa, blocking of their barrier functions and as a result - cell death.
The substance has a pronounced fungicidal activity against fungi, and is also characterized by bactericidal activity against a number of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
The spermicidal effect of benzalkonium chloride develops in two stages. The first stage is accompanied by the destruction of the spermatozoon flagellum, the second - by the rupture of its head. Such damage makes the process of fertilization impossible.
In addition, benzalkonium chloride has the ability to suppress the motility of spermatozoa due to a violation of the electrolyte balance of the aqueous phase of cervical (cervical) mucus.
In vitro studies have shown that the substance has activity against:
    Chlamydia (Chlamydia spp.);
    Gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae);
    Vaginal Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis);
    Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus);
    Herpes simplex virus of the second type (Human herpesvirus 2).
With regard to the Candida albicans fungus, the Gardnerella vaginalis vaginalis, the pale treponema Treponema pallidum, the Gram-negative bacteria Haemophilus ducreyi, the action of benzalkonium chloride is poorly expressed. Any influence of the substance on mycoplasmas Mycoplasma spp. was not noted.
Benatex is also characterized by prophylactic activity against certain diseases that are sexually transmitted. In this case, the drug does not provoke changes in the hormonal cycle and the balance of normal vaginal microflora.

Also, he has no influence on the Daderlein wand belonging to the genus Lactobacillus, which is the main indicator of the well-being of the microflora and a healthy environment in the vagina.
When introduced into the vagina it does not have a resorptive effect, since it practically does not undergo absorption.
Benzalkonium chloride is adsorbed on the vaginal walls, after which it is excreted along with the physiological excreta or is removed by routine rinsing with water.
The contraceptive effect of the drug is noted eight to ten minutes after the intravaginal administration of the tablet, five minutes after the administration of the suppository and three minutes after the administration of the gel. Benzalkonium chloride as a tampon starts to act immediately.

The duration of spermicidal action is:

    three hours for the drug in the form of vaginal tablets;
    four hours for the drug in the form of vaginal suppositories;
    ten hours for the drug in the form of a vaginal cream.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for topical use by women of childbearing age, including women, who for one reason or another are contraindicated in taking oral or intrauterine contraceptives.

Also Benatex appoint:

    for contraception in the postpartum period;
    for contraception during lactation;
    for contraception in the period after spontaneous or medical abortion;
    in the period of premenopause;
    women with irregular sex life, who need occasional contraception;
    as an additional method of contraception for women who missed taking a pill of an oral contraceptive;
    as a preventive measure, preventing the development of diseases that are transmitted sexually.


Contraindications to the appointment of Benatex are:

    increased individual sensitivity to benzalkonium chloride, as well as to one or more of the auxiliary components included in the formulation;
    presence of ulcers in the vagina;
    cervical erosion;
    irritation on the mucous membrane of the cervix and / or in the vagina;
    inflammatory processes in the vagina, caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, including chlamydia, mycoplasmas, hemophilic rod, streptococci, etc. (colpitis).

Side effects

In some women, after intravaginal administration of Benatex, symptoms of an allergic reaction may occur, which are expressed as itching, burning sensation in the vagina, and manifestations of contact dermatitis.

Benatex: instructions for use, how to use and dosage of the drug

According to the instructions, the contraceptive candles of Benatex are taken out of the contour pack before use and, assuming the supine position, are inserted as deep as possible into the vagina approximately five minutes before the sexual intercourse.
The duration of a single suppository is four hours. One suppository is designed for one sexual act. In case of their recurrence, a new suppository is introduced into the vagina each time.
The multiplicity of drug use is determined by the individual tolerability of its components and the frequency of sexual relations.


The likelihood of an overdose due to low systemic absorption of the drug is assessed as extremely low.
To date, there is no description of the symptoms of Benatex overdose.


The spermicidal effect of Benatex is reduced by simultaneous use with any form of medication for intravaginal use.
A similar effect is provided by hygiene products, including soap and products containing it.
Inactivating effect on Benatex is provided by iodine preparations, including 0.1% iodonate solution.

special instructions

To ensure maximum effectiveness of the drug, all recommendations for its use should be carefully observed.
After sexual intercourse, do not perform hygienic procedures involving intravaginal administration of soap solutions (eg, syringing), as this can reduce the contraceptive effect of Benatex.
External hygienic treatment of genital organs is allowed. At the same time, two hours before using the drug and within two hours after sexual intercourse, in order to avoid a decrease in the effectiveness of Benatex for personal hygiene, only warm water should be used.

Terms of sale

Benatex is dispensed without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a place difficult for children, dry, darkened place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.

Shelf life

Benatex in all pharmaceutical forms is usable for 2 years.

Reviews about Benatex

Reviews about tablets, suppositories and gel Benatex, which can be found on the Internet, are quite contradictory. The main advantages listed in the positive reviews include:
    high effectiveness of the drug;
    the lack of active hormonal components in the composition, which allows Benatex to use breast-feeding and breastfeeding women recently, as well as women who for a variety of reasons can not take hormonal drugs (in particular, doctors recommend using the drug as a contraceptive during the period of premenopause);
    rapid development of the expected effect;
    there is no need to follow certain admission regimens (as opposed to hormonal means for oral administration).
The main advantage of tablets is that they can be used with an excessive amount of intimate lubrication.
As for the gel, its advantages include rapid development of the contraceptive effect and a long period of action after use.
The dissatisfaction of other women with respect to Benatex is due to a greater degree of unpleasant sensations that were noted in them after the administration of tablets, suppositories or gel.
By the way, numerous reviews of the contraceptive suppositories of Benatex make it possible to conclude that this pharmaceutical form proves less likely to cause such unpleasant symptoms as itching and burning in the vagina, and when lubrication is deficient, they effectively cope with the role of lubricant.
The doctors' comments about the Benatex candles are also overwhelmingly positive, since the drug, in contrast to oral contraceptives, does not provoke undesirable side effects in the form of fluctuations in body weight, the appearance of edema or changes in libido.
In addition, this form of protection against unwanted pregnancy is most suitable for women whose sexual life is not regular.

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