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AD Norma 0.3gr #60

  • $15.50
  • 3 or more $14.90
  • Availability:In Stock

User manual for AD NormaBuy AD Norma onlineComposition1 capsule of the drug AD Norma contains: 149 mg of extract of fruits of chokeberry; 100 mg of hawthorn extract; 10 mg routine.In addition: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium..

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User manual for AD Norma

Buy AD Norma online


1 capsule of the drug AD Norma contains: 149 mg of extract of fruits of chokeberry; 100 mg of hawthorn extract; 10 mg routine.
In addition: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium oxide, calcium stearate.
1 capsule of the preparation AD Norma Forte includes: 100 mg of extract of fruits of chokeberry; 80 mg of hawthorn extract; 10 mg routine; 40 mg of extract of the susceptible; 40 mg of extract of mallin; 30 mg of vitamin C; 40 mg of vitamin E.
In addition: potassium citrate; magnesium oxide.

Form of issue

    AD Norma is in the form of capsules of 60 pieces per package;
    AD Norma Forte is made in the form of capsules of 48 pieces per pack.

pharmachologic effect

Hypotensive, optimizing the functionality of the vascular system.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Complex preparations AD Norma and AD Norma Forte are dietary supplements (biologically active additives) based on herbal ingredients specially selected for the purpose of maintaining the optimal functionality of the vascular system and / or correcting its pathological activity.
The basis of both dietary supplements are the following active ingredients.
    The fruits of chokeberry (aronia), due to the active substances contained in them, have antihypertensive efficacy, increase immunity, have a beneficial effect on the processes of hematopoiesis, strengthen the vascular walls, reduce serum cholesterol. Due to the effects of triterpene acids included in the fruit, their use in medicine is practiced in various pathologies of the cardiovascular system, including: arrhythmias, heart failure, hypertension, coronary artery disorders.
    The fruits of hawthorn actively promote the improvement of cardiac activity, support the ability of the myocardium to effectively use the oxygen supplied to it, normalize high blood pressure, strengthen the vascular walls and capillaries. The intake of this herbal ingredient is accompanied by an improvement in cerebral and coronary circulation, normalization of the heart rhythm, a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system and spasmolytic effects. The sphere of application of hawthorn fruits by age of patients extends to such diseases as: vegeto-vascular dystonia, astheno-neurotic syndrome, climacteric neurosis, arrhythmias, heart failure, stenocardia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis. Preparations based on it are widely used as cardiotonic agents in diagnosed functional pathologies of cardiac activity, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, myocarditis, autonomic dystonia, insomnia, climacteric circulatory disorders.
    Rutin is known for its angioprotective effect, which is accompanied by a decrease in the fragility and permeability of capillaries.
In addition, the composition of AD Forte Forte includes active ingredients that increase the effectiveness of the above-described components inherent in both dietary supplements.
    Wheatgrass stomping promotes a more complete expansion of peripheral vessels, has hypotensive effects and slows the rhythm of contractions of the heart.
    Labaznik is characterized by its sedative, hemostatic and immunity-enhancing action.
    Vitamin C lowers the viscosity of blood and increases its fluidity, and therefore useful as a preventive component of drugs prescribed for cardiovascular pathologies.
    Vitamin E increases the immunity of the patient, improves blood circulation in his body and helps prevent the formation of blood clots.
    Magnesium supports the effects aimed at reducing the tone and vasodilation, showing hypotensive qualities. It is prescribed for muscle weakness, sclerosis, nervous diseases, myocardial infarction.
    Potassium is an anti-sclerotic agent that improves oxygen supply to the brain, helps lower blood pressure, increases myocardial resistance to harmful effects, strengthens the nervous system and reduces vascular spasm.
Effects of active components of these supplements in patients with I and II degrees of arterial hypertension contribute to a decrease in their blood pressure (BP) and functional improvement of the cardiovascular system. With the regular intake of these supplements, the blood vessels of the brain and heart are enlarged, the coronary blood flow is improved, the blood viscosity is reduced, the supply of oxygen to the brain and heart is increased, the frequency and the increase in the efficiency and strength of the heart contractions, the strengthening of the vascular walls, the decline of nervous excitement, and a headache, the normalization of a night's sleep.

Indications for use

AD Norma and AD Norma Forte as a biological supplement are intended for patients with diagnosed arterial hypertension in order to reduce the negative symptoms manifested in this disease.


These dietary supplements are contraindicated for patients with personal hypersensitivity to their active and / or additional ingredients, breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as children under the age of 14 years.

Side effects

As a rule, the use of bioadditives was not accompanied by any negative side effects. In isolated cases, with a personal hypersensitivity of the patient, taking dietary supplements can lead to the development of various allergic reactions.

Instructions for use

Biological supplement AD Norma instruction for use recommends taking orally during meals. In adults and children after 14 years of age, the daily dosage should be within 1-2 capsules with their two-time intake in 24 hours. The course duration of such reception should be limited to 4-6 weeks. If necessary, a similar course can be repeated 3-4 times a year.
Instruction for use of blood pressure Norma Forte also recommends that patients who are 14 years of age receive 1-2 capsules of dietary supplements during meals twice a day. In this case, the course duration of taking capsules should not exceed 20 days. If necessary, a similar course can be repeated after 10 days.


The official instruction does not provide information on the negative consequences of taking overpriced dosages of dietary supplements.
There is no data on any interaction of biological supplements with medicinal products or other dietary supplements. Before starting to take medications, the norma should be consulted with your doctor.

Storage conditions

Capsules of dietary supplements should be stored in the original packaging of the manufacturer, in a dry and inaccessible place, protected from direct sunlight, at a maximum ambient temperature of 25 ° C.

Shelf life

Both biological supplements retain their healing properties for 2 years.

special instructions

Before the start of taking medications AD Normally, the consultation is with the attending physician.


Admission data BADov allowed from 14 years.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Biological supplements AD Norma and AD Norma forte is not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women.


Approximately 70% of cases of this dietary supplements use by patients with arterial hypertension, the reviews on AD Norma position it as a drug that, in combination with the already taken medications, supplements the ongoing therapy and ensures its stable effectiveness. Even with irregular intake of capsules of this biological additive, many patients noted a significant improvement in their condition at the time of deterioration of the state of health due to external factors (atmospheric pressure jumps, changes in weather, etc.) or internal factors (stress, exercise stress, excitement, etc.).
For the remaining 30% of patients, this dietary supplement was ineffective, and some of them even developed negative side effects (tinnitus, dizziness, rash / itching, etc.), which may be due to personal hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.
Reviews of doctors at the Norma Forte AD, which includes additional active ingredients, almost similar to the previous ones, which puts both of the BAA data approximately one level for their effectiveness.
Proceeding from the above-described evidence of the use of these biological supplements, their use is advisable only in complex antihypertensive therapy and only after consultation with the attending physician.

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