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Anti-Age Carnosine caps 500mg #60

  • $69.30$79.93
  • Availability:In Stock

Anti-Age Carnosine user manualYou can buy Anti-Age Carnosine herepharmachologic effectTurn the clock back most of us do not want in a philosophical sense. For some, this means the most banal - getting rid of wrinkles. Especially w..

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Anti-Age Carnosine user manual

You can buy Anti-Age Carnosine here

pharmachologic effect

Turn the clock back most of us do not want in a philosophical sense. For some, this means the most banal - getting rid of wrinkles. Especially when age reminds of itself prematurely, as in the case of facial wrinkles, or with loss of skin elasticity. For others - increasing physical endurance, getting rid of the ailments inherent in the aging body.
It is practically impossible to affect genetically conditioned aging, but it is possible to slow down the rate of wear of the skin (and organism) and aging.
Anti-Age Carnosine, the natural dipeptide of β-alanyl-L-histidine, meets practically all the requirements for an ideal antioxidant. It is synthesized and contained in the muscular and nervous tissue of man, has a high bioavailability. Carnosine has a unique multimodal protective effect against protein degradation and cell aging.


individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, breast-feeding. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Carnosine - 500 mg, capsule (gelatin, dye: titanium dioxide), rice starch (carrier); amorphous silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate (anti-caking agents).

Dosing and Administration

Adults take 1-2 capsules 1 time per day for 30 minutes before meals. Duration of admission - at least 1 month. If necessary, the reception can continue.

reviews about Anti-Age Carnosine

Girls, means fire! I take it only 20 days, but I feel that the body has changed only for the better! My activity has increased, I have become better and more often engaged in home fitness, I walk with the child actively, and not just I sit and look at it, although I sell energy in general) And the skin ... the skin began to look better, I can not say that I have all the wrinkles smoothed out, but just some kind of maiden freshness appeared, even a gleam in her eyes appeared! I want to repeat the course, when this is finished, the effect is super-painful
Perhaps this is one of the most effective bada I've tried. Currently, there is no carnosine in our market at a better price than this. I liked it very much, I felt the tone of my body absolutely at a different level: in working capacity, and in moments of physical activity. A decent complex, I believe, for both men and women. Now buy a wife

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