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Rhodiloa quadrifiga (Krasnaya shetka) Red Brush tincture 100ml

  • $10.41
  • 3 or more $10.11
  • Availability:Out Of Stock

Rhodiloa quadrifiga instruction for useYou can buy Rhodiloa quadrifiga hereRed brush grass that heals?Radiola has received the widest distribution on the treatment of gynecological problems in women, due to the high content of phy..

Rhodiloa quadrifiga instruction for use

You can buy Rhodiloa quadrifiga here

Red brush grass that heals?

Radiola has received the widest distribution on the treatment of gynecological problems in women, due to the high content of phytohormones and unique healing properties. However, this is not the only area of ​​its application: its therapeutic properties are aimed at localization of pathological abnormalities caused by disruption of the endocrine system, normalization of the common hormonal background and arterial pressure, help to recover from severe forms of various diseases and in the restoration of the blood formula, etc.

The radio can be used as a decoction, tincture, syrup or tea. It can be bought at any pharmacy. Take inside or do syringing. The choice of method depends on the method of treatment and the appointment of a doctor.

Application for weight loss

The therapeutic properties of the radio are due to the high content of antiglikosides (laxatives) in its composition, which not only improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins from the body, but also contribute to reducing appetite, splitting fats, by increasing the production of gastric juice. These medicinal properties make it possible to use a decoction from the root of a red toothbrush for slimming (for women and men), both in single execution and in the form of charges.
Tincture of a red brush on vodka

There are three rules for taking alcohol tincture:

1. Tincture is taken in three cycles: the month of admission and two weeks of interruption.
2. It is forbidden to combine the intake with other hormone-containing drugs.
3. Drink three times a day for half an hour before meals for 1 tablespoon.
Side effects and dosing

Grass intake can cause side effects in the form of:

• drowsiness;
• nausea;
• dizziness;
• Allergy;
• sleep disorders and mental retardation.

These manifestations are usually observed with an overdose. Regarding the dose, it all depends on the chosen form:

• syrup - take three times a day for 1 tsp. or drops (40 drops at a time);
• broth and alcohol tincture - 3 r. 2 tablespoons each;
• phytotea on a cup (about 200 g) 3 r.

Experts recommend that at the time of taking the herb to limit the consumption of heavy food and alcoholic beverages. We remind you of the need to consult a doctor.

Red brush: use in female diseases

Due to its composition, the radiola has been widely used in the treatment of women's problems. We suggest to go deeper into the topic and make out the issue in more detail.

Treatment for mastopathy

The most common cause of the occurrence of mastopathy of various etiologies (cystic, fibrous or diffuse) is the imbalance of the hormonal background. To restore the hormonal balance, a red brush is used for women whose medicinal properties have repeatedly shown their effectiveness in restoring health, and have saved them from the need for surgical intervention. Apply alcoholic infusion (description: root - 100 g and 1 liter of alcohol / vodka, insist 21 days in the dark) or decoction (2 tablespoons root and 200 g of water, come on a water bath for 15 minutes). The second option gives an analgesic effect.

Recipes for endometriosis

For the best efficacy of treatment for endometriosis, women are assigned a more valuable formulation: a radial assembly with a borax uterus (for medicinal properties, read here:). Used for women in the form of douching (2 tsp for a liter of boiling water insist for half an hour), infusion inside (2 tsp pour 0.5 liters of water, insist half an hour for a single dose, thrice a day) and alcohol infusion (50 g of root and 0.5 liters of vodka to insist a month) ..
Treatment for myomas

Red brush medical properties for women in gynecology has also proved itself in solving such problems as myoma. In this variant, it is also recommended for women to use a joint method with a hogweed. The very same grass is used as a decoction (1 tablespoon per 200 g of water to keep on a water bath for 20 minutes) and alcoholic infusions (2 tablespoons for a bottle of vodka to insist a month).
At monthly it is possible to accept broth from a red brush?

Monthly are one of the contraindications for taking a plant for women, because one of its healing properties is a hemostatic effect. An exception to the rule are abundant and long-term periods. In this variant, you should consult your doctor and get recommendations.

Red brush with infertility

Causes of infertility can be a variety of diseases and problems in the work of the endocrine and genitourinary system, for example, with menopause, ovarian cyst, etc. Therefore, in the treatment of infertility in women and men, often prescribed treatment with a radio, using its medicinal properties for pregnancy planning and conception.

How to drink a red brush to get pregnant?

For these purposes, use a decoction on a water bath. It is taken orally and in parallel with it syringed.

Doctor's comments

Specialists make phyto prescribing for complex treatment of many diseases. However, they note that the most effective is the method of combining with medical products. As for the radiola (red brush), many doctors are inclined to consider its medicinal properties and unique composition as an excellent addition to the complex solution of problems in women and men. However, this opinion is ambiguous.

Gynecologist Ivan Sergeevich

"... The red brush is ideal as a preventive measure of female diseases for gynecology. It will help to cure even endometriosis and mastopathy at the initial stage ... "

Family doctor Silvia Karpovna

"... I advise my patients to drink a decoction from a red brush during long and painful periods. The course of 20 days completely restore the normal cycle and relieve the painful sensations ... "

Women's Feedback

Women in the majority share the opinion of doctors in the question of its medicinal properties and actions. Exceptions are patients who were self-medicated and did not get the desired result. Do not forget that photo drugs are able to help in the treatment, but their effect is less pronounced, unlike specialized medical devices. Before taking any medication and for solving any problem, do not forget to consult with specialized specialists.

Anna 51 year

"... The red brush is my salvation. In her youth she always suffered from pain with menstruation. I had to stay home for 3-7 days. But as a neighbor advised me to try a decoction from a red brush. Has drunk 30 days and here already years so 30 I have no problems with monthly. Once a year I do a course of treatment for 10 days and enough for a whole year ...!

Carolina 35 years old

"... My grandmother also advised me to drink a tincture of a red brush on vodka. She always had problems with the female part, but after she learned about this magical wonder-grass, all the sores simply disappeared ... "

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