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Afala tabs #100

  • $20.72
  • 3 or more $20.45
  • Availability:In Stock

Afala instruction for useReed more and buy Afala on this pageCompositionThe composition of 1 tablet of the drug Afala included 0.003 g of antibodies to prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a substance of protein nature, the pro..

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Afala instruction for use

Reed more and buy Afala on this page


The composition of 1 tablet of the drug Afala included 0.003 g of antibodies to prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a substance of protein nature, the production of which is carried out by the cells of the prostate gland and contributes not only to the dilution of the seminal fluid, but also actively participates in the regulation of the growth of cells (stromal) of the prostate.
Antibodies to PSA are presented in the preparation in the form of a water-alcohol mixture, which contains no more than 10-15 ng / g of active ingredient.
The excipients of the preparation include 0.267 g of lactose monohydrate, 0.03 g of microcrystalline cellulose and 0.003 g of magnesium stearate.

Form of issue

The drug Afala is available in the form of tablets for resorption of flat-cylindrical form and white color. Each tablet has a risk, chamfer and the inscription "MATERIA MEDICA".
Tablets of 20 pieces are packed in contoured cell packs made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil.
Cell contour packs of 1, 2 or 5 pieces are placed in a pack of cardboard together with a leaflet that contains all the necessary recommendations for the medical use of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Afala significantly reduces inflammation and swelling in the prostate gland and normalizes its functional state. Also, the drug positively affects urodynamics, helps to reduce the volume of residual urine and normalize the tone of the urinary tract (lower sections). Well-established drug Afala and with the complex treatment of dysuric disorders.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

At the heart of the most likely mechanism of the pharmacological action of the drug Afala lies the process of modifying the activity of PSA (endogenous prostate-specific antigen).
Unfortunately, at the moment, modern physicochemical methods of analysis do not allow estimating ultra-small doses of active antibodies in biological organs, tissues and liquids. In connection with this, it is technically impossible to conduct pharmacokinetic studies.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use the drug Afala:
    with benign prostatic hyperplasia (I and II stages);
    at complex therapy of a chronic or acute prostatitis;
    with dysuric disorders (frequent urination for urination (including nocturnal), difficulty urinating, pain or discomfort in the perineal region).


It is not recommended to apply:
    with increased sensitivity to the components of the homeopathic preparation;
    with congenital galactosemia;
    in the syndrome of malabsorption of glucose or galactose;
    lactase insufficiency.

Side effects

As a rule, homeopathic remedy Afala is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects when administered in the indicated dosages.
In the event of any undesirable effects, you should contact a specialist to adjust the dose of the drug.

Instructions for Afala (Method and dosage)

In accordance with the instructions for use of Afala, the drug should be taken orally 2 tablets per 1 dose and kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved. It is advisable to take tablets in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is 16 weeks.
With severe pain and dysuric disorders, many specialists prescribe medication up to 4 times a day during the first 2-3 weeks of therapy.
If necessary, and only on the recommendation of a specialist, you can repeat the course of treatment after 1-4 months.


In case of an overdose, there are possible side effects such as digestive disorders, vomiting and nausea.


It is allowed to combine the use of the homeopathic drug Afala with other drugs, which are intended both for the treatment and prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis.

Terms of sale

You can buy Afala without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep the tablets out of reach of children, dry and protected from light at a temperature not reaching 25 ° C.

Shelf life

Afala is stored for 3 years, subject to all storage conditions. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Reviews about Afala

The average estimate of homeopathic medicine Afala at the forums is 4.9 on a 5-point scale.
From reviews of Afala visitors to the forums, we can conclude that the drug with prostatitis is very effective.
Those who have already completed the full course of treatment immediately warn that this drug will help only if the treatment with Afala tablets with prostatitis is complete, that is, the reception of the remedy should be regular. Many note that the course of treatment with the drug is quite long, but still it is better than antibiotics.
Reviews about Afala specialists reduce to the fact that you should not treat this medicine as a panacea. Doctors advise not to waste time on self-medication and contact a doctor who will draw up a complete treatment plan and possibly include in it a homeopathic remedy for prostatitis Afala, the feedback on which many men are so encouraging.
There is no information on the drug in Wikipedia.

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