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Mummyo 0.2gr #20

  • $7.21
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Mummyo instruction for useYou can buy Mummyo on this pageCompositionBoth the properties and the composition of the Mummyo are quite complex. Mumiye is a unique substance consisting of more than 80 different components.The composit..

Mummyo instruction for use

You can buy Mummyo on this page


Both the properties and the composition of the Mummyo are quite complex. Mumiye is a unique substance consisting of more than 80 different components.
The composition of the Mummyo is variable and depends on the nature of its origin. So, from what do all kinds of pills, ointments and medicinal tinctures?
Natural purified from impurities substance is an elastic shiny biomass, which looks like resin. Its color is uniform, varies from brown to black.
The product has a specific balsamic odor, in which the admixtures of oil and bitter chocolate are felt, as well as notes of wormwood and juniper. His taste is bitter.

What does the Mummyo consist of?

Chemical and spectral analysis of the natural mixture made it possible to identify elements such as cobalt, silicon, aluminum, manganese, lead, iron, magnesium, calcium, nickel, lead, titanium, and phosphorus in its composition.
There are also essential oils, amino acids (including including zoomelanoidic acid), fatty acids, bee venom, vitamin P and B vitamins, gums, humic bases, and a number of substances whose properties remain to this day studied.

Form of issue

As an active ingredient the substance is a part of tablets, oil infusions, pills, creams, ointments, water extracts, applications. It is also available in capsules, in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, water-alcohol tinctures.

pharmachologic effect

Mumiye belongs to a group of drugs that affect the state of the digestive tract and the course of metabolic processes.
The drug has a regenerating, immunomodulating, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, moderate bactericidal, mucolytic and secretory-motor action.
It regulates the metabolic processes taking place in the body, has a reparative and adaptogenic effect. Normalizes the indicators of the state of the links of humoral, cellular immunity, the level of cholesterol, hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes in blood plasma, and also increases the production of endogenous interferon and NK cells. Accelerates the fusion of bone tissue after injuries and liver cells after hepatitis (both viral and toxic), has a pronounced antioxidant effect and protects the cell membranes from damage.
In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories, the Mummyo helps reduce the number of relapses with frequent inflammatory gynecological diseases, restores the microflora of the mucosa, has a positive effect on hemorrhoids, eliminates causes that cause pathological changes in the rectum, and also prevents the development of their negative consequences.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Useful properties of the Altai Mummyo are determined by the presence in its composition of a large number of micro- and macroelements, which are balanced by the physiological effect exerted by them on the human body.
The substance has an effect on protein, lipid, water-salt, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, as well as on the course of oxidation-reduction processes.
The components contained in it take part in the processes of reproduction and growth of the body, in hematopoiesis and in the processes of formation of immunity.
It is assumed that the stimulating effect of the substance manifests itself even at the cellular level and that its components accelerate the processes of division and increase in the number of cells, activate the exchange of nucleic acids and proteins, which is extremely necessary for a number of serious diseases.
Mumiye has the ability to be cumulated in the body: the process of its elimination proceeds slowly enough, due to which the Mummyo has a prolonged effect.
Indications for use: what treats Mummyo in various dosage forms
The use of Mummyo is advisable in a variety of diseases. It is used both as a curative and as a preventive. For prevention, it is prescribed for violations of lipid metabolism, psycho-emotional and physical overload, stress.
Weakened patients, elderly people and children taking the substance for preventive purposes can increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors.

What helps the Mummyo in the form of candles?

In the form of suppositories, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of anal fissures, paraproctitis, inflammation of the hemorrhoids, necrotic ulcer processes in the rectal wall.
The use of Mummyo purified in gynecology is indicated in inflammatory diseases, which are accompanied by erosive lesions of the cervix.

Indications for the use of tablets and other dosage forms

The use of Mummyo in tablets and other dosage forms is indicated for treatment of:
diseases of the musculoskeletal system, wounds (including purulent and infected);
    fractures, sprains, dislocations, bruises;
    Neuralgia associated with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    dermatological diseases;
    diseases of the digestive system and bile ducts;
    osteo-tuberculosis processes;
    gynecological diseases;
    diseases of peripheral nerve trunks;
    deep vein thrombophlebitis;
    atony of the intestine;
    bronchial asthma;
    inflammation of the breast;
    inflammation of the middle ear;
    purulent otitis media;
    conditions accompanied by symptoms of dyspepsia;
    diseases affecting the oral mucosa, teeth, gums;
    stroke of the brain;
    decreased immunity and vitality;
    burns, abscesses, acne;
    oncological diseases;
    post-infarction states, etc ..
It is also used to treat infertility in men and women, as well as to restore weakened sexual function and hypressespermia in men.

Contraindications to Mummyo

In addition to useful properties, there are contraindications for Mummyo. So, the remedy should not be taken to people with hypersensitivity to it, children under two years old, as well as pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.
Before you take the inside of a Mummyo or use it in the form of a candle, you should consult your doctor to evaluate the potential benefits and contraindications for use.

Side effects

Side-effects and toxic effects on the background of the use of gold mumie in tablets or suppositories are extremely rare. As a rule, they are associated with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and are expressed as signs of allergy.

Instructions for use Mummyo

Use of the agent in the form of suppositories

Candles with Mummyo have an intensive restorative effect. They are intended for both rectal and vaginal application. Depending on the diagnosis, they are injected deep into the vagina or into the rectum.
In the acute phase of the disease, adult patients are recommended to put one suppository twice a day, at regular intervals. Treatment is carried out by two ten-day courses, the interval between which is seven days.
Children who are older than two years, enter one suppository per day. The course of treatment lasts ten days. If necessary, repeat it.
Adult patients for preventive purposes, and also, if the disease is mild, candles are recommended to be administered one at a time for one month. Preventive courses may be repeated at intervals of 3-6 months.

How to take Mummyo in tablets?

Most doctors in the recommendations on how to take the drug in the tablet, indicate that the optimal daily dose is a dose equal to 0.2 g of pure substance.
There are many recommendations on how to drink Mummyo. Most often it is prescribed to take one tablet two or three times a day for 10-12 days with a second course after a 10-day break. Optimum take the pill 20-30 minutes before eating.
In the instructions for the gold Mummyo in tablets, it is noted that the treatment of gastric ulcers involves a continuous course of taking the drug within 18-28 days. Depending on the degree of severity of the disease, it is recommended to administer 0.2 to 0.5 g of pure substance per day.
When treating ulcerative colitis patients are prescribed daily to take 0.2-0.3 g, supplementing with enema therapy with 1% solution of mummy. Put them in a day, the dose of the substance is the same as for oral administration.

Recommendations for the use of medicinal forms for external use

In the treatment of patients suffering from skin diseases, bandages with 1-2% aqueous solution or 2-3% ointment are used.
Burns and abscesses are treated with 1-3% ointments or solutions. Affected areas should be treated as often as possible.
Therapy is often supplemented by the appointment of tablets mummy for oral use. The daily dose of a pure substance is 0.5 g. The treatment is carried out with ten-day courses, maintaining between them five-day intervals.
Many people are interested in how to breed a mummy. It is quite difficult to answer this question, because for different diseases the methods of dilution of this substance, as well as the dosages of the ingredients for the preparation of the medicinal mixture, differ significantly.
Inflammatory diseases of the ear are treated using a mixture of 0.35 g of pure substance, juice of unripe grapes and pure rose oil. Consistency of the mixture should be such that the proportion of active substance in it is from 1 to 3% (depending on the clinical situation).

For the treatment of joint diseases (eg, polyarthritis), 4 g of pure substance is mixed with 60 ml of water. Take the resulting mixture on a teaspoon once a day (on an empty stomach). It is recommended to conduct four courses, maintaining between them four-month breaks.
From all types of cancer effective use of mummy in combination with aloe. It is important that the age of the plant is more than three years. To prepare the therapeutic mixture, 0.4 kg of aloe leaves is ground through a meat grinder and mixed with a bottle (0.7 l) of strong red wine to a temperature of 37 ° C from grapes and 0.5 liters of honey. In the mixture, 2 grams of pure substance is dissolved and for a week it is removed to insist in a dark cool place. Ready medicine is taken for one month, one teaspoon three times a day about an hour before meals, after which the dose is increased to one tablespoon. Multiplicity of methods remains the same.
In this dosage, the drug is taken within two months. In cases where this is necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. A prerequisite is that wine should be natural. Red grape wine is detrimental to cancer cells.

For the treatment of hypertension use a mixture of mummy (0.2 g) with Ledum (2 parts), cucumber (3 parts), motherwort (3 parts). Collect the herbs for 10 minutes warmed up in a water bath, then insist 3-4 hours and add the mummy.
Ready medicine is taken three times a day for 0.5 cup (half an hour before meals). The agent is effective if the first or second stage of the disease is diagnosed, however, it can not be taken with heart failure and an increased risk of myocardial infarction.

How to drink mummy in fractures

For fractures, the mummy is taken within three weeks. Approximately 40 g of pure substance is required for treatment. To prepare the solution, 2 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.
Within ten days, the solution is taken orally on a tablespoon three times daily before meals. In the following days, the dose is increased to 1.5 table spoons.
The instruction for the use of the Altai Mummy also recommends a different reception scheme. Following her, for 7 days, the drug is taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals, the next 7 days the dose is increased to a tablespoon, the remaining 7 days - up to two tablespoons.
It is also possible for fractures to use the mummy inside in its pure form. Take it for six days, washing down a glass of milk. The daily dose is 5 grams, the multiplicity of receptions is 3.
Reception for fractures in elderly people significantly accelerates the scarring of bone tissue, restores the blood composition, normalizes the level of calcium and effectively removes inflammation.
Oral reception is recommended to supplement with the use of ointment or cream with mummies. It is also advisable for elderly people to take the preparation of the company "Evalar" "Mountain calcium D3 with mummies". It allows you to fill the deficiency of calcium, which is observed in most people of old age.

Mummy from an allergy

With allergies, 1 g of the substance is dissolved in one liter of warm water. The drug is taken once a day. The dose depends on the patient's age: for children from one year to three, it is 50 ml, for children from 4 to 7 years, the solution is given 70 ml each, after 8 years - 100 ml.
In case of severe allergies, one more dose is added (in the afternoon), however, the dose is reduced by half. To fix the effect of taking the solution, therapy should be continued for at least twenty days
The effect of the drug is strong enough. Reviews of the mummy from allergies indicate that the remedy already during the first days of treatment removes even a strong swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Mummy from acne

From acne on the face and on the body use a 3% solution mummy. For its preparation, 3 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of boiled or distilled water. Apply it to inflamed pimples and acne should be as often as possible.
Reviews about the mummy from acne testify that no less effect from the remedy can be obtained by adding 5 g of substance to your face cream. You can use it in a day (the cream must be brewed). The cream is applied with a thin layer of the fingers (preferably before going to bed) without rubbing it.

How to apply the mummy from stretch marks (tablets and cream)

The greatest use of mummies is found in the treatment of bone fractures, however, few people know that it is also very effective against stretch marks. There is a fairly large number of tips how to grow it for the preparation of oily mixtures and creams with essential oils.
The most popular is the recipe with mummies and baby cream from stretch marks. For the preparation of medicinal composition, it is necessary to take mummy tablets (from 10 to 20 tablets of 0.2 g or from 2 to 4 g of pure substance) and dissolve them in a small amount of slightly warm, purified water.
Next, the resulting concentrated solution is combined with a baby cream and mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Prepared for this prescription cream from stretch marks with mummies is designed for daily use. The agent is applied evenly on a thin layer to the skin and slightly rubbed. For best effect, it should be used for three to four months. The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator.
Numerous positive reviews of the cream with mummies from stretch marks indicate that, with the regular application of this composition, stretch marks gradually become lighter and less noticeable.

Application for hair

The use of mummy Altai in tablets to treat hair can significantly improve the appearance of the hair, eliminates the problem of split ends, reduces the number of dropped hair, prevents premature baldness.
In the responses to the hair mummy tablets, almost everyone who tried this remedy notes that just adding a few grams of pure substance to the hair shampoo can achieve truly remarkable results: the hair becomes smooth, silky and grows much faster.
Mummy for hair can be added not only in shampoos, but also in herbal decoctions traditionally used for rinsing hair (for example, in decoction of burdock root or mint leaves), and in masks.
A warm broth of burdock root (the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, because otherwise the mummy loses its properties) with 3-4 grams of the substance - it is an excellent remedy for dandruff. The broth is used for rubbing into the roots of hair or as a conditioner.

Mummy for the face

Mumiye for the face - testimonials to that acknowledgment is an excellent agent, allowing to improve a skin color, to raise its turgor, to eliminate wrinkles, pimples and dark spots, to remove an inflammation. Application of the mummy in cosmetology promotes skin rejuvenation, accelerates its regeneration, and also thoroughly cleanses the pores and removes toxins.
For a healthy color and firmness of the skin, 5 grams of pure substance is dissolved in a tablespoon of lukewarm water and mixed with the contents of a 100-gram tube of baby cream. The cream is applied to the face and neck skin with light circular movements (not rubbing) once a day.
For a face mask, a pure substance can be mixed with an egg (with a protein with oily skin, with a yolk when dry), honey, rose oil (such mask has a healing effect on the skin), calendula decoction (allows to cure the skin of acne), honey, jojoba oil , lemon juice (this mask is recommended for problem skin, in addition, it brightens the skin) and other ingredients.
To get rid of wrinkles, face masks should be done once in ten days.
Rejuvenating effect can be achieved by using also a tonic for the face with wine. For its preparation, 2 g of pure substance is dissolved in dry red wine (0.5 cup). Before use, the mixture should be infused for about half an hour.

Mummy from cellulite

There are also many reviews about the mummy from cellulite. To get rid of ugly tubercles on the hips and buttocks, you can use a mummy with baby cream (2 g of water diluted in water for 100 g of desiccant cream) or mixing it with a tablespoon of essential oil - rosemary, mint or orange.
Both the cream and the oil mixture are rubbed into the skin of the problem areas once a day (in the evening, before going to bed).

The use of scars and scars

From scars and scars use a mixture of 2 g of pure substance (previously diluted in a teaspoon of water), a small amount of baby cream (it takes so much to get a thick gruel) and 2-3 drops of jojoba essential oil.
You can apply the composition to both the face and the body.


The drug is characterized as non-toxic. In case of an overdose, hypersensitivity reactions and some dyspeptic symptoms can develop occasionally. In such situations it is recommended to simply stop taking the drug.
The drug is combined with all medications, quite often it is used as an addition to the main therapy. Caution should be observed only when it is prescribed with funds that include euphyllin.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Store the drug in a cool, protected from moisture place. The optimum temperature is not more than +25 degrees Celsius. Keep away from children.

Shelf life

In the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories - 3 years. In pure form and in the form of tablets - 5 years. In the form of ointment - 1 year.

special instructions

All about the mummy: mummy - what is it, what is useful mummy, medicinal properties and contraindications
As an answer to the question "What is a mummy?" In Wikipedia, the following description is given: a mummy is a product created by nature with a complex chemical structure that is used to enhance the nonspecific resistance of the organism to various kinds of harmful influences (biological, physical or chemical origin).
Mummy is a wonderful biostimulator. Contraindications it has practically no, but on the contrary, due to its protective-adaptogenic properties it removes fatigue and restores lost energy.
In folk medicine, it has been used for a long time to accelerate the fusion of bone tissue in fractures. Clinical studies have made it possible to establish that for the bones this remedy is simply indispensable - the bone callus that is taking the patient's preparation during fracture healing is formed about two weeks earlier than in patients who did not have mummies.

Benefits and harms of mummies

Benefit mummy can not be overemphasized. Due to its composition, this natural balm makes it possible to treat a wide variety of diseases. However, this does not mean that the drug can be taken uncontrolled and does not take into account the doses, because the mummy has useful properties and contraindications.
The substance has the ability to accumulate in the body (cumulate), and with prolonged reception can provoke unwanted, albeit rapid, effects.
In addition, the presence of any substance in the body provokes an intense reaction, which is associated with its processing and elimination.
Some believe that the mummy should not be taken because it is radioactive.
However, the radioactivity of the substance is very insignificant, and, in addition, its insignificant dose accelerates the restoration of bone tissue in fractures, stimulates redox processes in the body, the process of interaction of hemoglobin with oxygen, and hydrolytic reactions; increases the physical and chemical activity of substances from which a living organism is composed; normalizes the patient's condition in hypertension, sluggishly granulating wounds, osteomyelitis, wound sepsis; and also contribute to the activation of the processes of self-renewal of the organism and its vital activity as a whole.
There is also an opinion that older people should not use the drug, because the biologically active substances contained in it are potentially capable of developing cells of a suspected tumor, if it exists in the body of an elderly person.


The golden mummy is purified by Evalar, Mumiye Kirghiz, Mummy Altai "Balm of the Mountains", Mumiye Shilajit, Arakul dshibal, Brogshoun, Kao-tun, Miema, Mommia, Mumeea, Mumeiz, Momie, Mumlaj, Mummy, Saljit.
Mumie for weight loss: reviews and how to use
Mummies for weight loss are taken twice a day: once in the morning, the second - an hour before bedtime. A single dose is determined depending on the initial weight:
    up to 70 kg - 0.2 g (one tablet);
    up to 80 kg - 0.3 g;
    up to 90 kg - 0.3-0.4 g;
    more than 90 kg - 0,4-0,5 g.
The course of admission is 20 days. For best results, two or three courses with five-day intervals are necessary.

Application in pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy. You should not take it during lactation.

Reviews about mummies

All varieties of mummies (the mummy Altaic purified by the company "Evalar" produced by the Indian company "Dabur" mumiye Shilajit, etc.) is an effective remedy for a huge number of a wide variety of diseases.
Reviews of the golden mammy "Evalar" also indicate that its use for the face (in particular, wrinkles and acne), from allergies, and cellulite, is no less effective.
Also effective is the mummy with stretch marks (feedback on its use to combat this problem is entirely positive).
In reviews of the mummy for hair, all tried this tool note that after its application the hair becomes thicker, acquires a beautiful shine and begins to grow faster.
A lot of positive feedback and a mummy for losing weight. Tablets help to speed up the metabolism in the body, but a greater effect on their use can be achieved by supplementing the drug with exercise and proper nutrition.

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