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Baralgin M tabs 500mg #20

  • $13.69
  • 3 or more $13.50
  • Availability:In Stock

Pills Baralgin M instruction for useReed more and buy Baralgin M on this pageComposition Baralgin MBy INN, the active substance is metamizole sodium.Composition of tablets: 500 mg of metamizole sodium and additional components (ma..

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Pills Baralgin M instruction for use

Reed more and buy Baralgin M on this page

Composition Baralgin M

By INN, the active substance is metamizole sodium.
Composition of tablets: 500 mg of metamizole sodium and additional components (magnesium stearate, macrogol). 1 ml of the solution contains 500 mg of active substance (in 5 ml ampoules).

Form of release Baralgin M

Tablets Baralgin are produced in blisters for 10 pieces. In the box of cardboard contains 1, 2, 5 or 10 blisters. The solution is available in ampoules of 5 ml. In a pack - 5 ampoules.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance refers to non-narcotic drugs and is a derivative of pyrazolone. The drug has antipyretic, analgesic and mild anti-inflammatory effects. According to the main mechanism of action, the drug is similar to other non-narcotic analgesics.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance is hydrolyzed in the digestive tract, forming an active metabolite, absorbed in the hepatic system. The active component is able to bind to plasma proteins. The maximum concentration is recorded after 120 minutes.
In patients with cirrhosis of a different genesis, the elimination half-life increases to 10 hours. Barralgin injections outperform the tablet form by the time of the onset of the analgesic effect.

Indications for use of Baralgin

What helps Baralgin M? Most often, the medication is prescribed for relief of the pain syndrome of mild and moderate intensity:
    migraine headache;
Tablets Baralgin M from what can be appointed or nominated still? The medication is used to relieve spasms of smooth muscle tissue:
    biliary colic (with CLD, cholecystitis);
    intestinal colic (with pathology of the digestive tract);
    renal colic (with ICD, pyelonephritis).
Indications for the use of Baralgin in combination therapy for infectious inflammatory pathology:
    feverish conditions;
    a subfebrile condition.


    diseases accompanied by bronchospasm;
    bronchial asthma;
    deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
    hepatic porphyria;
    individual hypersensitivity;
    pronounced pathology of the hepatic system;
    pathology of hematopoiesis (neutropenia, agranulocytosis);
    kidney disease.

Relative contraindications:

    instability of blood circulation (starting shock, polytrauma, myocardial infarction);
    systolic blood pressure is below 100 mm Hg.

Side effects

    immune thrombocytopenia (decrease in the number of platelets);
    epidermal toxic necrolysis;
    exudative erythema;
    edema of Quincke;
    anaphylactic shock;
    allergic responses;
    immune agranulocytosis;
    staining the urine in a red tint;
    interstitial nephritis;
    impaired renal function;
    drop in blood pressure.

Instructions for use Baralgin M (Method and dosage)

Tablets Baralgin, instructions for use

The single dose is 500 mg. A day can take no more than 6 tablets. As an anesthetic, the medication can be used for 5 days, as an antipyretic, for 3 days. Inadmissible independent increase in a single dose. Tablets should be washed down with water.

Injections of Baralgin M, instructions for use

The solution in ampoules can be injected intramuscularly and into a vein. Single dose - 2-5 ml, daily - up to 10 ml. Baralgin IV infusion at a rate of 1 ml per minute (mandatory control of heart rate and blood pressure). Ampoules with solution before the procedure are warmed to body temperature.


    Acute agranulocytosis;
    a drop in blood pressure;
    epigastric pain;
    paralysis of the respiratory musculature;
    hemorrhagic syndrome;
    impaired consciousness;
    noise in ears;
In a timely manner, the stomach is washed with a special probe, saline laxatives, enterosorbents are prescribed. Hemodialysis and forced diuresis are recognized as effective. When registering a convulsive syndrome, high-speed barbiturates, such as Diazepam, are injected intravenously.


The toxicity of the drug increases with simultaneous therapy with oral contraceptives, tricyclic antidepressants and Allopurinol. Decrease in the effectiveness of the drug is observed in the treatment of inducers of microsomal enzymes (phenylbutazone, barbiturates).
An increase in the severity of adverse reactions is observed when treated with other non-narcotic analgesics. The anti-pain effect of the drug is enhanced with simultaneous therapy with sedatives. The expressed hyperthermia is observed at treatment with derivatives of Phenothiazine, Chlorpromazine.
It is inadmissible simultaneous treatment with Penicillin, the introduction of colloidal blood substitutes, X-ray contrast substances. The active ingredient is able to fight for communication with proteins in the treatment of Indomethacin, glucocorticosteroids, indirect anticoagulants. Propranolol, histamine receptor blockers and Codeine increase the effect of Metamizol sodium.

Terms of Sale

To buy Baralgin M you don't need a prescription

Storage conditions

The manufacturer recommends storing ampoules and tablets away from light, observing a temperature regime of 8-28 degrees.
Shelf life - 4 years.

special instructions

Mixing with other medicines in one syringe is unacceptable. Perhaps temporary staining of urine in a red shade (it has no clinical significance).

Baralgin M during pregnancy and lactation

For medical reasons, the medication can be prescribed in the 2nd trimester. Baralgin M during pregnancy (1 and 3 trimesters) is contraindicated. After applying the drug it is recommended to endure a 48-hour break before breastfeeding.

Reviews about Baralgin M

Medical portals often discuss medication as an effective tool in the therapy of pain syndrome. Patients indicate that the drug works well against toothache.
Young girls and women with algomenorrhea advises taking pills with monthly pain relief. In general, the reviews about Baralgin M are positive.

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