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Alfavit Diabetes tabs #60

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Alfavit Diabetes instruction for useReed more and buy Alfavit Diabetes herePeople with diabetic disease, both the first and second type, need additional vitamin and minerals. They do not get the necessary nutritional elements, as ..

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Alfavit Diabetes instruction for use

Reed more and buy Alfavit Diabetes here

People with diabetic disease, both the first and second type, need additional vitamin and minerals. They do not get the necessary nutritional elements, as they are forced to follow a strict diet. “Alphabet Diabetes” is ideal for this group of people, taking into account the peculiarities of their metabolism. In addition, diabetic disease may be accompanied by additional illnesses such as nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy. And this even more requires additional valuable substances for the organization of the normal functioning of internal organs and their systems.

Instructive recommendations

Vitamins "Alfavit diabetes" contain thirteen vitamin substances, nine mineral, as well as plant extracts, acids of organic nature. All components necessary for persons suffering from the aforementioned ailment are contained in a higher, but still valid value for them. It is important that the producers of the multivitamin complex took care of their division into three groups. This increases the effectiveness of the drug, accelerates the digestibility of the components of the body.

Release form

A dietary supplement package contains four blasters with fifteen chewable tablets each. All of them are presented in three color shades that determine the time of their reception. Each dragee is a balanced complex of nutritional components that is easily absorbed by the body, which is extremely important in the presence of a disease such as diabetes. It is important that the particles that are antagonists in relation to each other are not included in the composition of the tablets of one shade. This clearly indicates the instructions for use of dietary supplements.


The company "AKVION", creating the specified complex, made sure that the elements combined with each other could meet the needs of the body. For this reason, the recommended three times daily use of the drug. Proved that the use of a multivitamin complex at times reduces the risk of developing complications of various kinds caused by diabetic disease.

"Energy +"

The composition of the tablet number 1, which has a white tint, included in the dietary supplement "Alfavit Diabetes", is distinguished by the balance of valuable particles. The vitamins in it are:
Vitamin B1 4 mg
Vitamin C 50 mg
Folic acid 250 mcg
Vitamin A 0.5 mg
Iron 15 mg
Copper 1 mg
Other components in pills include acids such as succinic, lipoic. In addition, this includes bilberry shoots extract. The beneficial effect of pills on the body is:
    normalization of energy metabolism;
    prevention of anemia;
    reducing the level of sugar in the genetic material;
    protection of vascular walls;
    restoration of cell sensitivity to insulin;
    reducing the severity of hypoxia.
Tablets are recommended to be taken in the morning to ensure full digestibility of useful elements contained in it.

"Antioxidants +"

The tablet number 2, which has a bluish tint, is taken at lunchtime. The vitamins in it are:
Vitamin E 30 mg
Nicotinamide 30 mg
Vitamin B2 3 mg
Vitamin B6 3 mg
Vitamin C 50 mg
Vitamin A 0.5 mg
Zinc 18 mg
Manganese 3 mg
Iodine 150 mcg
Selenium 70 mcg
Magnesium 40 mcg
Additional substances in pills are extracts of plants such as burdock, dandelion. The use of pills leads to:
    strengthening protective forces;
    natural resistance of the organism to the effects of harmful substances coming from outside;
    prevention of complications caused by a diabetic disease;
    normalization of the functioning of the hormonal system;
    improvement of the pancreas;
    prevention of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;

"Chrome +"

The composition of the tablet number 3, which has a pink tint, includes only vitamin and mineral substances. It is recommended to take for dinner. The vitamins in it are:
Biotin (H) 70 mcg
Vitamin B5 7 mg
Vitamin B12 4 mcg
Vitamin K1 120 mcg
Folic acid 250 mcg
Vitamin D3 5 mcg
Chrome 150 mcg
Calcium 150 mg
Minerals are represented by components such as chromium and calcium. Useful properties of pills are:
    the formation of a valid form of insulin;
    strengthening bones, muscles, teeth;
    reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other "bone" diseases.

Indications for appointment

Vitamins "Alfavit Diabetes" are appointed in the event that the condition of a person suffering from diabetes is constantly deteriorating. The drug can be used by children who have reached the age of fourteen, suffering from beriberi and other complications, which causes illness.

How to use Alfavit Diabetes?

Instructions giving advice on the use of such a vitamin, such as Alfavit Diabetes, indicate several ways of taking it. Unknowingly, a person can drink three dragees of different colors at a time, however, this will not give the desired effect. The separation of the components, on which the very idea of ​​creating an effective dietary supplement is based, will have an adequate effect only in the case of two or three meals a day.
A two-time reception involves the use of morning and lunch drops for breakfast, when the body needs to “wake up” as quickly as possible and get into work. While taking the tablet number 3 "Chrome +" while remaining unchanged. As for the triple use of dietary supplements, it must be remembered that the time interval between the use of pills should be at least four hours, but not more than six.

Contraindications, side effects

As in the case of using any medications, before using the indicated dietary supplement, it is extremely important to consult with the attending physician. Only he, knowing the individual characteristics of the human body in a particular case, can give full recommendations for its use. Contraindications to the reception of the complex are:
    increased thyroid function;
    individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    children's age up to 14 years.
In general, side effects from taking the drug did not occur. It is designed in such a way as not to cause allergic reactions, detrimental to the body "diabetic". However, according to reviews, an overdose of certain components can cause the appearance of urticaria, atopic dermatitis, nasal congestion of unknown origin, laryngeal edema, and other manifestations. With their development, it is worth refusing to use dietary supplements immediately and consult with your doctor on how to solve the problem.


Reviews of the drug "Alfavit Diabetes" indicate a significant improvement in the condition of a person using it. The risk of developing various colds and viral diseases decreases, the level of energy rises, forces appear for playing sports and organizing active recreation. Naturally, the complex is not able to get rid of diabetic disease. In addition, this disease is classified as incurable. However, dietary supplements are able to bring the state of the body back to normal, it can also make you forget about jumps in the level of glucose in the genetic material.

Terms of sell

You can buy Alfavit Diabetes without a prescription.

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