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ALFAVIT Teenager tabs 1000mg #60

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ALFAVIT Teenager instruction for useReed more and buy ALFAVIT Teenager on this pageAs you know, any growing body requires additional vitamin-mineral substances. Teenager do not always eat on time, go to bed, however, the load they..

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ALFAVIT Teenager instruction for use

Reed more and buy ALFAVIT Teenager on this page

As you know, any growing body requires additional vitamin-mineral substances. Teenager do not always eat on time, go to bed, however, the load they have, both mental and physical, is quite high. Complex "ALFAVIT Teenager", produced by the company "AKVION", is able to solve the problem of vitamin deficiency in children over the age of twelve.

Guidance Recommendations

Biologically active additive "ALFAVIT Teenager" - unique multivitamins, indispensable for adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. They turn out to be a kind of "bridge", carrying out a smooth transition from children's vitamin complexes to adults. Moreover, the main plus in their use is the normalization of the functioning of the reconstructing endocrine system, responsible for the production of certain hormones needed during puberty.

Form of issue

Teenager are offered sixty chewing pellets, contained in one package. They are in blasters and differ in color shades, which determine the time of their reception. Color also determines the taste of the dragee. So, for example, white "gum" has a vanilla taste, orange - orange, and pink - cherry. This also facilitates the simplification of their admission, because adolescents like the absence of an unpleasant, medicinal taste. Multivitamins do not belong to medical products, it is a biologically active additive used together with food.


Vitamins "ALFAVIT Teenager" have a unique composition. Each of the tablets is an independent multivitamin complex that affects the developing organism.

The tablet of white color (with vanilla taste) contains:

B5 5 mg
Folic acid 100 mcg
B12 3 mcg
D3 5 mcg
K1 120 mcg
Biotin (H) 50 mcg
Calcium 180 mg
Chrome 50 mcg

Orange tablet (with orange taste) contains:

C 60 mg
PP 2.7 mg
E 10 mg
B 2 1.8 mg
B6 2 mg
A 0.5 mg
Magnesium 40 mg
Zinc 5 mg
Manganese 0.5 mg
Iodine 150 mcg
Selenium 70 mcg
Molybdenum 45 mcg

A pink tablet (with cherry flavor) contains:

C 10 mg
B1 1.5 mg
A 0.5 mg
Folic acid 100 mcg
Iron 12 mg
Copper 1 mg
There are no other additional substances in the dragee, however, and these components are sufficient to strengthen the adolescent organism.

Beneficial features

Instructions for use indicate that the vitamins "ALFAVIT Teenager" have the following useful properties:
    provision of natural metabolic processes;
    improvement of the state of the vascular walls of components of the hematopoiesis system;
    support the process of accelerated growth;
    help the body's defenses;
    normalization of the formation of hormonal substances;
    improving the functioning of the genitourinary system;
    normalization of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
    elimination of sleep disorders;
    increased stress resistance.
In addition, the instruction indicates that the condition of the skin, hair, and nails is improving. A child of adolescence is protected from the occurrence of acne. The character of the teenager becomes more calm, he practically does not have quarrels with adults. If the child is engaged in sports sections, he adds energy, which allows him to achieve certain success in the chosen area.

How to use ALFAVIT Teenager?

There is no definite time for the reception of colored dragees. However, manufacturers recommend using them along with basic meals. Given the fact that tablets of cherry tones have a tonic effect, they should be used in the morning. Orange pills are recommended for taking in lunch, and for beige - in the evenings because of their soothing effect on the body.
The interval between doses should be at least four hours. It is allowed to take tablets of pink and orange shades simultaneously, for example, in the morning or at lunch, and in the evening. Naturally, you can use all three pills at the same time, however, then the effect will not be so strong. One box of dietary supplements suggests its use within a month, then it is recommended to take a break for two weeks, after which its use is resumed.

Contraindications, side effects

Despite the unique composition of the ALFAVIT Teenager complex, there are certain contraindications to its use. These include:
    the state of hypervitaminosis;
    intensified work of "thyroid";
    individual intolerance of the drug components.
Rarely is there a occurrence of such a side effect as allergic reactions in their various variations. Usually a similar condition occurs with an overdose of vitamin substances. In such cases, it is recommended to abandon the use of multivitamin and seek advice from the treating pediatrician.


"ALFAVIT Teenager" does not have one hundred percent similar complexes. There are other dietary supplements aimed at strengthening the protective powers of the adolescent organism, however, they are not considered as effective as indicated.


Parents who buy supplements for their teenage children, note that the so-called transitional age, they are much easier to transfer. In addition, children are practically not sick, they are improving their academic performance at school, physical stamina is being improved. There are practically no negative reviews on this drug. Usually they are observed in rare cases of allergy after its misuse.

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