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Primadophilus for children powder 50gr

  • $36.82
  • 3 or more $36.50
  • Availability:In Stock

Primadophilus for children instruction for useYou can buy Primadophilus for children on this pageComposition1 teaspoon of powder (3 grams) contains 2 billion bifido- and lactobacilli. Additional substances: maltodextrin and dry sy..

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Primadophilus for children instruction for use

You can buy Primadophilus for children on this page


1 teaspoon of powder (3 grams) contains 2 billion bifido- and lactobacilli. Additional substances: maltodextrin and dry syrup from corn.

Form of issue

Bioadditive is available in the form of powder in vials of 50 or 141.75 grams.

pharmachologic effect

Synbiotic, containing 2 billion bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which form part of the natural, healthy microflora of the human intestine. The action of the bioadditive is aimed at normalizing the microflora in the lumen of the intestine. The drug is characterized by antagonistic activity, which manifests itself in relation to pathogenic, pathogenic flora. The mechanism of action is aimed at the competitive exclusion of pathogenic microorganisms due to disturbed microbiocenosis. Bioadditive allows creating favorable conditions in the lumen of the intestine for growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria, restore balance. Primadophilus Children prevents the reproduction of harmful microorganisms that cause decay processes. The course reception allows to improve digestion processes, to increase the absorption of B vitamins. The target audience is children 0-5 years old.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetic description and details of pharmacodynamics by the American manufacturer of bioadditives are not presented.

Indications for use

Active ingredients that are part of the bioadditives contribute to the maintenance of normal functioning and functioning of the intestine, promote the cleansing of the body, and improve digestion.
Main indications:
    various diseases of the digestive tract;
    food allergy;
    prolonged antibiotic therapy.
Bioadditive can be used to prevent dysbacteriosis in children who are on artificial feeding.


Children's Primadophilus is not prescribed for allergic responses in a child's history to the components of the dietary supplement.

Side effects

Allergic children susceptible to allergies can give allergic responses when treated with a synbiotic.

Instructions for use of Primadophilus Children (Method and dosage)

In the line of bioadditives "Primadophilus" a special series for children - Primadophilus for childrenin the form of a powder was developed.
Instruction for Primadophilus Children for babies from birth to about a year: half teaspoon (corresponding to 1.5 grams) of powder is given 1 time a day before the first feeding for 10 minutes.
Children of the age category 1-5 years: 1 teaspoonful 1 time per day. Use only a dry clean spoon. The powder is previously diluted in warm boiled water, breast milk, a mixture or other liquid (from 10 ml). The course is 2-4 weeks.


Symptoms of poisoning and the algorithm of therapeutic manipulation in case of overdose by the American manufacturer are not presented in the official instruction.


Pharmacologically important interactions are not described.

Terms of sale

You can buy Primadophilus for Children without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Powder should be stored in the refrigerator in its original packaging with a tightly closed lid.
Shelf life - 24 months

special instructions

It is not registered as a medicinal product, it is an additive to food. In pediatric practice can be used from birth.


In pediatrics, children 0-5 years are prescribed.

For newborns

The "Primadophilus for Children" series is produced especially for newborns in the form of a powder for convenient dosing. Parents' responses are positive: babies stop worrying with intestinal colic, normal digestion and stool.

With antibiotics

Antibiotics suppress the intestinal microflora. The use of the synbiotic during antibiotic therapy, as well as after it allows you to maximize your own microflora and avoid the development of intestinal dysbiosis.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Breastfeeding is not prescribed in the official instructions as an absolute contraindication, however, no clinical studies and tests of bioadditives did not pass. A similar picture regarding the use in pregnancy.

Reviews about Primadophilus Children

Bioadditive is manufactured specifically for newborns, and, judging by the responses of parents, it helps well with colic, which so often disturb the babies. Reviews for dysbacteriosis positive, lacto- and bifidobacteria abundantly inhabit the microflora of the intestine, shifting the balance of microbes mainly toward "positive". Reviews with constipation indicate that the dietary supplement normalizes digestion and positively affects the stool of the child. Pediatricians recommend a dietary supplement for children who are breastfeeding.

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