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Gemmae Betulae (Pochki berezovie) 50gr

  • $10.68
  • Availability:In Stock

Gemmae Betulae instruction for useYou can buy Gemmae Betulae hereBirch buds are a unique natural remedy, helping to get rid of a whole bouquet of diseases, it is noteworthy that this is a very effective and environmentally friendl..

Gemmae Betulae instruction for use

You can buy Gemmae Betulae here

Birch buds are a unique natural remedy, helping to get rid of a whole bouquet of diseases, it is noteworthy that this is a very effective and environmentally friendly medicine that is accessible to most people.
After all, birch is one of the most common trees in the temperate climatic zone.
The healing properties of birch buds were valued back in antiquity, as soon as sucking started in the spring, and the kidneys began to swell, they were carefully cut from the branches and dried, later using to prepare medicinal broths and infusions.
At the same time, they also collect medicinal birch sap, which is of great benefit to health.

Collection of birch buds

Kidney buds are harvested in the spring during the swelling period. Collect the birch buds, while they are not yet opened, but already swelled - while the birch sap moves along the tree trunk.
This is very important, because too early collection of birch buds is useless. There are still too few useful substances in them. The kidneys are collected by hand or cut them together with the branches.
The color of the kidneys is brownish-brown, sometimes greenish at the base. The smell is balsamic, intensifying when rubbed. The taste is slightly astringent, resinous.
Birch buds are better collected outside the city, away from trails and factories, then it will be environmentally friendly raw materials.
Dry them in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Store them in cloth or paper bags or in a glass container.

Therapeutic and useful properties of birch buds

To assess the benefits and therapeutic properties of birch buds in full, you need to consider their biochemical composition. Those who like to soar in the bath with a birch broom know how pleasant the air becomes at the same time. So - the same fragrant essential oils, as in leaves, are contained in birch buds.
Birch buds contain ethereal balsamic oil, which contains betulenic acid, betulol and betulen, resinous substances, alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty acids, vitamin C, PP, carotene and saponins, tannins and minerals (magnesium, calcium and iron).
Oil obtained in an amount of 5-8% in the distillation of kidneys with steam, is a thick yellow liquid with a pleasant balsamic odor.
Useful properties of birch buds are known not only folk, but also traditional medicine. They have a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, krovoochistitelnoe, analgesic, disinfecting, wound-healing, action.
This is a wonderful anthelmintic remedy, birch buds relieve inflammation, have a strong antibacterial effect, killing microbes of the entero-typhoid series. Tincture of birch buds (1: 5) shows antimicrobial activity against antibiotic-resistant forms of 144 strains of staphylococci isolated from patients with various forms of purulent infection.
This allows you to treat various purulent infections, such as phlegmon, furunculosis, peritonitis and mastitis. Essential oils contained in birch buds have a destructive effect on invasion.

Preparations for alcohol remove from the body trichomonads, helminths, lamblia, infusoria. Buds of birch not only destroy parasites, but still relieve toxins and normalize the work of the digestive tract.
Preparations, prepared from the kidneys of plants, are prescribed for puffiness of cardiac origin. Birch buds intensify diuresis and quickly reduce swelling in the periphery, even when traditional diuretics do not have the desired effect. When edema caused by functional disorders of the kidneys, such treatment is not recommended, since resinous substances can cause irritation of the kidney tissue.
Cholagogue properties of birch buds are used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In addition, they are used in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis as a disinfectant and expectorant. Birch buds are also used for hygiene and medical baths.
As can be seen from the above, there are a lot of healing properties in birch buds.

Application of birch buds

As mentioned in the beginning, this medicinal raw material is mainly used in the form of infusions of infusions. It is also widely used in folk medicine in the form of alcoholic tinctures and ointments.
Infusions and decoctions of birch buds are used in otolaryngology and dentistry as an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and epithelializing agent for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, angina, chronic tonsillitis, acute respiratory diseases in the form of rinses and application of gauze napkins moistened with infusions or decoctions.
In folk medicine, birch buds are used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, joint pain. They will help in the treatment of burns, eczema, the appearance of blackheads. Compresses made from the broth of birch buds, will have a wound-healing effect.
Thanks to its regenerating effect, the birch buds promote faster cell regeneration. In the treatment of arthritis, trophic ulcers, edemas, decoction of birch buds will have a diuretic and strengthening effect on the body.
With diseases of the mouth and throat, it is recommended to gargle with a decoction, which includes birch buds.

Decoction of birch buds - recipe

10 grams of kidneys (this is about 5-6 pieces) is poured with 0.2 liters of hot water, after which they boil for 15 minutes, cool and filter. This broth is recommended to eat every day for half a cup between meals. It will help restore the body with colds and flu, will give the necessary vitamins in the spring. They can gargle with sore throat, stomatitis or periodontitis, it reduces swelling, having a diuretic and choleretic properties.

Alcoholic tincture of birch buds

Alcoholic tincture of birch buds is recommended for colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach indigestion, poor appetite, gastrointestinal diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcer, dysentery and dyspepsia in children, pinworms and ascarids, as choleretic and diuretic, with nephrolithiasis and diseases of the bladder, with headaches and migraine, with atherosclerosis.
It is useful to give tincture to seriously ill patients after stresses, especially to women after artificially interrupted pregnancy, during a difficult climacteric period, with edema of cardiac origin, with liver disease.

Preparation of alcohol tincture (internally)

20 g of dried birch kidneys dry pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka, insist in a dark cool place for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the contents, drain, discard the residue.
Take 20 - 30 drops per 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day for 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture for external use

As an external analgesic, anti-inflammatory drug, alcoholic tincture of birch buds is used for rubbing and compresses for rheumatism, gout, joint pain, lumbago and pressure ulcers, for treating minor wounds, skin erosion, skin irritation with purulent discharge, for treating acute and chronic forms of eczema, poorly healing ulcers, with the treatment of myositis and arthritis, with toothache in the form of rinsing the mouth.

Preparation of tincture for external use

Birch buds are ground in a mortar and poured with alcohol from this calculation: 1 part by weight of the kidneys - 5 parts of alcohol. In the absence of alcohol you can use quality vodka. After a week, the tincture is ready for use.

Ointment from birch buds

Methods of preparing ointments from the kidneys are two:
The first method requires 700-800 grams of unsalted butter and birch buds as needed. Take enameled pot and in it with the same layers in the finger thickness alternately apply oil and birch buds. After that, the closed pan is wrapped with foil and put on the day in a preheated oven. In the resultant ointment, camphor can be added to enhance the healing effect (a little, five gram).
The second way is easier - pour boiling water on birch buds, filter this liquid and mix it with melted lanolin. After solidification of the resulting mass, merge the liquid formed on the surface. The ointment is ready for use.
The ointment obtained by these methods every evening can be rubbed into the diseased joints. In addition to rheumatism, it will be useful for eyelid.

Birch buds. Contraindications

There are birch buds, even if minimal, but contraindications to use. It is not necessary to use birch kidneys for women during pregnancy and lactation.
It is also very cautiously advised to use them for acute diseases of the urinary system and kidney failure.
Ideally, before taking birch kidneys, you should consult your doctor. This is not always possible, but will avoid many troubles.

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