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TheraFlu LAR spray 30ml

  • $13.49
  • 3 or more $13.15
  • Availability:In Stock

TheraFlu LAR user manualYou can buy spray TheraFlu LAR hereComposition100 ml of the spray include: 0.2% benzoxonium chloride and 0.15% lidocaine hydrochloride.Additionally: 0.0025% menthol, 10% ethanol (96%); 0.0581% hydrochloric ..

Tags: spray

TheraFlu LAR user manual

You can buy spray TheraFlu LAR here


100 ml of the spray include: 0.2% benzoxonium chloride and 0.15% lidocaine hydrochloride.
Additionally: 0.0025% menthol, 10% ethanol (96%); 0.0581% hydrochloric acid (0.1 N); 15% glycerol; 0,01% of peppermint oil; up to 100% of purified water.

Form of issue

TheraFlu LAR is made in the form of tablets for the further resorption by 8; 16; 24 pieces in the secondary packaging, as well as in the form of a spray in 30 ml vials in the secondary packaging (together with a nozzle-sprayer).

pharmachologic effect

Locally anesthetic, antiseptic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

TheraFlu LAR is a therapeutic agent from the group of antiseptics, which also have local anesthetic activity, which are intended for use in ENT practice.
The quaternary ammonium salt - benzoxonium chloride, due to the cationic structure contained in it, is characterized by membrane -otropic efficacy and exhibits pronounced antibacterial (antimicrobial) activity in relation to Gram-positive microorganisms (to a lesser extent affects gram-negative strains of bacteria). Also, benzoxonium has antifungal and antiviral effects aimed at suppressing membrane viruses (including herpes, influenza and parainfluenza viruses).
Anesthetic lidocaine, when used locally for the treatment of ENT organs, reduces or completely eliminates the pain in the throat that is noted during swallowing.
Absorption of benzoxonium is practically zero. In human plasma this preparation is not found, its accumulation in tissues does not occur. Approximately 1% of the dose of benzoxonium taken is determined in urine.
Absorption of lidocaine by oral intake occurs in the oral cavity through its mucous membrane. Metabolic transformations are carried out in the liver during the "first passage". The bioavailability of lidocaine with this method of application is approximately 35%. The products of its metabolism are excreted in the urine, in an unchanged form, less than 10% of the drug is excreted.

Indications for use

Destination Theraflu LAR is indicated for the treatment of diseases of infectious and inflammatory etiology occurring in the pharynx and oral cavity, including:
    ulcerative gingivitis;
    catarrhal angina;
    chronic tonsillitis (as a means of auxiliary therapy).


Application Theraflu LAR is prohibited:
    during pregnancy / lactation;
    at the age of up to 4 years;
    with personal sensitivity to any of the ingredients of drugs or ammonia compounds.

Side effects

Occasionally, when Theraflu LAR is used, local reactions are observed that are manifested by irritation, which are temporary.
In isolated cases, allergic manifestations, manifested by the appearance of urticaria, as well as swelling of the larynx and / or face, were noted.
In the case of using the drug for more than 14 days, sometimes dyeing of the teeth and / or tongue was recorded in brown (reversible).

Instructions for use Theraflu LAR

Adult patients instruction on the use of tablets Theraflu LAR recommends to dissolve 1 tablet of the drug every 2-3 hours. In case of manifestation of severe symptoms of the disease, resuscitation of the 1st tablet of Teraflu LAR every 60-120 minutes is allowed, but taking into account the maximum possible daily dosage equaling 10 tablets.
Children's (after 4 years) daily dose of a maximum of 6 tablets, with the recommended frequency of intake - 1 tablet every 2-3 hours.
The resorption of tablets should be carried out slowly, until they are completely dissolved.
Spray TeraFlu LAR instruction on use recommends that patients after 4 years 3-6 times in 24 hours. Once-adult patients can produce up to 4 sprays, children older than 4 years - no more than 2-3 sprays.
Spray TeraFlu LAR should be sprayed in the mouth holding the can of the drug strictly vertically.
In the case when there is no relief of symptomatology for 5 days of using any of the therapeutic forms of Theraflu LAR, it is necessary to stop the treatment and contact the attending physician.


In case of accidental or deliberate oral administration of excessive dosages of Teraflu LAR (any of its dosage forms), nausea / vomiting may occur. The mass portion of lidocaine in the preparation is not sufficient to form any negative symptoms.
As a treatment for the above conditions, it is recommended to eat egg white, pre-whipped in water, or to drink milk.


With the parallel application of anionic active substances (including toothpaste), a decrease in the therapeutic effect of benzoxonium chloride is observed.

Storage conditions

Each of the pharmaceutical forms of the drug should be stored at a temperature of up to 30 ° C, the tablets should be stored in a dry place.

Shelf life

You can keep the pills for 3 years, spray for 5 years from the time they were produced.

special instructions

Allowed exclusively local use of TheraFlu spray LAR.

Analogues of TheraFlu LAR



Treatment of children under 4 years with the use of any of the medicinal forms of TerafFlyu LAR is contraindicated.

With alcohol

The combined internal intake of ethanol (alcohol) increases the absorption of benzoxonium chloride, and therefore, during the therapy with TeraFlu, LAR should limit the use of beverages that include alcohol.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Despite the fact that during the pilot studies of any adverse effects of tablets or spray TeraFlu LAR was not found, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.


Patients using tablets or TeraFlu spray LAR for the treatment of various painful conditions of the pharynx and oral cavity, having an infectious inflammatory etiology, mainly characterize this drug on the positive side. In most cases, the drug copes well with the pains of these organs and prevents the further development of bacterial infection. Naturally, treatment with a single antiseptic can often be inadequate and require the adherence to therapy of other drugs of various pharmaceutical groups.

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