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Corvalol drops 25ml

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  • 3 or more $5.40
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Corvalol drops user manualYou can buy drops Corvalol on this pageCompositionComposition Corvalol in tablets: ethyl bromizovalerianate, phenobarbital and peppermint leaves oil in proportions, respectively 12.42, 11.34 and 0.88 mg /..

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Corvalol drops user manual

You can buy drops Corvalol on this page


Composition Corvalol in tablets: ethyl bromizovalerianate, phenobarbital and peppermint leaves oil in proportions, respectively 12.42, 11.34 and 0.88 mg / tab, as well as auxiliary substances - lactose (in the form of monohydrate), β-cyclodextrin, acesulfame K, Mg stearate.
Corvalol composition in drops: ethyl bromizovalerianate, phenobarbital and peppermint leaves oil in proportions, respectively, 20, 18.26 and 1.42 mg / ml, as well as ethanol 96%, purified water, stabilizer. One milliliter of solution is 26 drops.
The composition of preparations of different manufacturers may vary slightly. So, for example, in the composition of Corvalol H (in tablets it is not released, only in the form of oral drops), in addition to these active ingredients, there is also hop oil (concentration 0.2 mg / ml). Excipients: acetate sodium trihydrate, diluted acetic acid, purified water, 96% ethanol.

Form of issue

    Oral drops - 25 or 50 ml in bottles, package number 1;
    tablets - in blisters for 10 pieces, for 1, 3 or 5 blisters in a pack.

pharmachologic effect

Spasmolytic, vasodilating, sedative.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Corvalol?

Corvalol is a drug that has an antispasmodic and soothing effect, and also facilitates the onset of natural sleep.
Therapeutic effects are due to the properties of the phenobarbital (barbiturate drugs), ethyl bromizovalerianate (sedative) and peppermint leaves, which are part of the drops / tablets.


The sedative effect of ethyl bromizovalerianate contained in tablets / drops is similar to the effects of valerian (Valeriana), and its antispasmodic effect is realized due to stimulation mainly of the nasopharynx and oral cavity receptors, enhancement of inhibition in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex, as well as in its subcortical structures, reducing reflex excitability in the central parts of the somatic nervous system and the activity of the vasomotor center, direct spasmolytic action (local) on smooth muscles.
The latter manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the stress of the walls of the vessels and internal organs, localisative and vasodilating effects.
Phenobarbital suppresses the activating effect on the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres of the centers of the reticular formation located in the middle and oblong brain, thus decreasing the fluxes of stimulating influences on the subcortical areas and the cortex of the brain.
This in turn causes a calming, tranquilizing or sedative effect (the severity of the action depends on the dose).
Corvalol reduces excitatory effects on the centers of the central nervous system, which take part in the regulation of vascular tone, as well as peripheral and coronary vessels, while reducing the total blood pressure and spasms of the vessels, primarily - the heart vessels.
In the oil of peppermint leaves contains a large number of essential oils (including menthol (about 50%) and menthol esters (from 4 to 9%)), which have the ability to irritate the thermoreceptors (cold) of the mouth and reflexively dilate the vessels (mainly the brain and heart), while removing smooth muscle spasms, and have a mild choleretic and soothing effect.
Mint oil also has the properties of an antiseptic and the ability to eliminate the phenomena of flatulence by stimulating the receptors of the mucosa of the digestive canal and enhancing intestinal peristalsis.


Absorption of the drug after sublingual administration begins already in the oral cavity. Corvalol active substances are characterized by high bioavailability, which varies from 60 to 80%.
More rapid development of the effect (within five to ten minutes) is facilitated by holding the tablet in the oral cavity or taking drops on a piece of sugar.
Corvalol begins to act after 15-45 minutes, the effect persists for three to six hours.
In persons who have previously received barbituric acid preparations, the duration of the effect is reduced because of the accelerated metabolism of phenobarbital in the liver (barbiturates induce liver enzyme activity).
Reduced metabolism of Corvalol is noted in patients with cirrhosis of the liver and elderly people. In this regard, they have a longer semi-elimination period, which requires an increase in the intervals between the administration of tablets / drops or a reduction in dosage.

Indications for the use of Corvalol

Indications for use of Corvalol in tablets

Corvalol in tablets is prescribed for treatment:
    neuroses with increased irritability;
    VSD and hypertension (used in complex therapy);
    tachycardia and spasm of the coronary vessels (provided that these conditions are not pronounced);
    caused by neurovegetative disorders of intestinal spasms.

Corvalol - what helps with drops?

Drops, like tablets, are used in disorders of the central nervous system, which are accompanied by increased irritability, in the early stages of the development of hypertension, with neurocirculatory dystonia, insomnia, mild tachycardia, and to reduce the symptoms of coronary spasm, provided that they are not bright are expressed.


The manufacturer's instructions list the following contraindications for the use of the drug:
    intolerance of components of oral drops / tablets;
    hypersensitivity to bromine;
    severe forms of CHF;
    hepatic porphyria.
Phenobarbital-containing drugs are contraindicated in myocardial infarction (acute stage of development), severe arterial hypotension, myasthenia gravis, depression, diabetes mellitus, drug or drug dependence, alcoholism, obstructive syndrome, respiratory tract diseases with dyspnea.
Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to patients who are diagnosed with epilepsy or liver pathologies.

Side effects

Side effects of Corvalol are manifested as:
    digestive disorders (weight in the epigastric region, constipation, against a background of prolonged drug treatment, nausea, liver dysfunction, vomiting);
    disorders of the nervous system (ataxia, nystagmus, weakness, impaired coordination of movements, delayed reactions, fatigue, paradoxical agitation, hallucinations, mild dizziness, cognitive impairment, headaches, drowsiness, confusion, decreased concentration of attention);
    hypersensitivity reactions (including angioedema);
    cutaneous manifestations of allergy;
    shifts in the blood formula (agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, anemia);
    difficulty breathing;
    arterial hypotension, bradycardia.
With prolonged use of the drug, osteogenesis and development of bromism manifestations are possible: depression of the central nervous system, ataxia, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, depression, lacrimation, purpura or acne, confusion.
Typically, these symptoms disappear after lowering the dose or stopping treatment with Corvalol.

Instructions for using Corvalol

How to take drops?

According to the instructions for use, Corvalol drops are taken by mixing the preparation with 50 ml of water or on a piece of sugar. The optimal time of reception is half an hour before meals.
How many drops Corvalol needs to drip, depends on the readings. The standard single dose is from 15 to 30 drops. With spasm of coronary vessels or severe tachycardia, an increase in the single dose to 40-50 drops is allowed.
Recommendations on how to drink Corvalol for insomnia are as follows: Add 30 drops of the drug to warm water (50 ml) and take for half an hour before bedtime.

How to take pills?

Corvalol tablets are taken or sublingually. Sublingual reception is preferable when it is necessary to achieve the most rapid effect.
In the instructions for the use of Corvalol in tablets, it is indicated that the standard daily dose of the drug is 2-3 tablets. Single - 1 tablet.
If necessary (for example, to relieve spasm of the coronary vessels) the dose is increased to 3 tablets per reception. The permissible upper limit of the daily dose is 6 tablets.

How many times a day can you drink the drug?

On the question of how often you can drink Corvalol, doctors respond that the multiplicity of applications depends on the indications. In some cases, it is enough to take a single dose of the medicine, in some tablets / drops you should drink up to 3 r./day.
The duration of the course is determined depending on the tolerability and therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.

Overdose of Corvalol

Overdose is the result of uncontrolled (frequent or too long) use of the drug. Permanent / prolonged treatment can lead to drug dependence, psychomotor agitation, withdrawal syndrome.
Symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol:
    oppression of the central nervous system;
    confusion of consciousness;
    drowsiness (up to a deep, pathologically long duration of sleep);
In severe cases, there are: arrhythmia, tachycardia, respiratory disorders, falling blood pressure. The most serious consequences of an overdose are: collapse, coma, death.
Death occurs when taking 0.1-0.3 mg / kg of the drug. To intoxication leads more than 150 drops of oral solution. It should be noted that for children and the elderly, the Corvalol toxicity threshold is significantly lower.


The action of Corvalol is enhanced by simultaneous use with drugs of central depressant type of action, alcohol, preparations of valproic acid.
Phenobarbital, inducing hepatic enzymes, thereby speeds up the metabolism of drugs that are biotransformed in the liver, including: cardiac glycosides, anticoagulants of indirect action; antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiepileptic, psychotropic, anticonvulsant, hormonal, oral hypoglycemic, cytostatic, immunosuppressive, antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic drugs.
Phenobarbital potentiates the action of local anesthetics and analgesics.
Prolongation of the effects of Phenobarbital is facilitated by the simultaneous use of MAOI. Reducing their severity - taking Rifampicin.
With the use of Phenobarbital in combination with gold preparations, the risk of kidney damage increases, with NSAIDs (with prolonged use) - the risk of ulceration of the gastric mucosa and the development of bleeding, with Zidovudine - the toxicity of both drugs increases.
Corvalol increases the toxic effects of Methotrexate.

Storage conditions

Store the drug at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.

Shelf life

Tablets are suitable for use within 2, drops - for 2.5 years from the date of release.

special instructions

The presence of phenorbital in Corvalol may cause the development of Lyell's syndrome or Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which is most likely in the first weeks of the drug.
The composition of the drops include phenobarbital and ethanol (56 vol.%). The concentration of alcohol in the minimal dose of the drug (15 drops) is 254 mg, which corresponds to 2.7 ml of wine or 6.4 ml of beer.
When you take these substances are possible:
    lack of coordination;
    violation of the speed of psychomotor reactions;
In this regard, the answer to the question, whether it is possible to drink at the wheel of Corvalol, is unambiguous - it is impossible. During the treatment with the drug (in any dosage form), it is also necessary to avoid working with mechanisms and activities that require increased attention and a high rate of motor and mental reactions.

Is Corvalol harmful - the benefit and harm of the drug

For what Corvalol is needed, everyone knows. The effectiveness of the drug says a fairly large number of patients left feedback. However, recently there is more and more information that the drug is able not only to treat, but also harm the body.
So, what is bad about Corvalol? Contained in tablets and drops, ethyl bromizovalerianate is an antispasmodic that, depending on the dose taken, can have a sedative or hypnotic effect. The amount of the dose necessary for the development of a hypnotic effect depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
Entering into the body when taking a standard dose of Corvalol (15-20 drops), phenobarbital provokes vasodilation and causes a mild sedative effect, without having a hypnotic effect.
Mint oil causes reflex dilatation of the vessels and spasmolytic effect, however, when consumed in a dose exceeding 25 mg, it depresses the intestinal peristalsis and causes constipation.
In most countries, substances that provide the therapeutic effect of Corvalol are considered to be controlled substances (in the Russian Federation it is included in list III, which is the basis for limiting its turnover) and is banned from importation. In particular, the drug is banned for import and sale in the US and Lithuania.
According to some narcologists, phenobarbital is a drug, and its use should be avoided whenever possible due to the risk of addiction and dependence on the drug.
With regular use in high doses of phenobarbital causes cognitive impairment (speech disturbance, short-term memory disorders, unsteadiness of gait), serious neurological disorders and abstinence, suppresses sexual function.
Long-term use of Corvalol is also dangerous because of the risk of possible cumulation of bromine in the body and the development of poisoning them.
Symptoms of poisoning can be mild, moderate and severe. Lungs are manifested in the form of: general weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, decreased muscle strength, diffuse attention, blurred speech, confusion, apathy, ataxia, conjunctivitis, depressive mood, the appearance of purpura and acne, and a runny nose.
The consequences of moderate poisoning: a pathological increase in the duration of sleep, drooling, the growth of muscle weakness until the development of paresis, a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the volume of excreted urine, the dilatation of the pupils.
In the most severe cases, a barbituric coma develops. A person develops a violation of breathing, reflexes cease to be determined, there is no consciousness, acute cerebrovascular insufficiency develops, the signs of which are:
    blood pressure drop;
    the appearance of audible rales in the lungs at a distance;
    the growing cyanosis of the skin, which extends from the tips of the ears, nose, nasolabial triangle and ends with a common cyanosis.
Progression of heart failure often results in pulmonary edema.
The lethal dose of the drug is 0.1-0.3 g / kg (an average of about 20 g). It should be remembered that the lethal outcome is administration of more than 100 mg / kg of phenobarbital.
For mild poisoning, it is sufficient to wash the patient with a stomach (up to pure washings), give him an enterosorbent (any, in the absence of his intolerance) at a dose equal to a third of the higher daily dose. It is also advisable to use salt laxatives, cleansing enema, reception enveloping to drink.
Because of the danger of a rapid increase in the severity of the condition, one must call an ambulance without fail.
In case of severe intoxication, when the patient has signs of a lack of cardiac activity, before the arrival of the doctor, an indirect cardiac massage is performed and artificial respiration is performed.
The consequences of poisoning, even with timely assistance, can be quite serious - from severe forms of dermatitis to acute cardiac, respiratory or renal failure.
The greatest number of fatalities in case of drug poisoning is observed precisely from drugs containing long-acting barbituric acid derivatives. The severity of the consequences is determined by the dose of the substance taken, the severity of the poisoning, the timeliness of the measures taken.

Does the pressure decrease Corvalol?

When it comes to treating patients suffering from pressure fluctuations, the question "Corvalol raises pressure or lowers?" Is very relevant.
Research scientists have shown that Corvalol lowers the pressure. In this connection, in emergency situations, it can be used as an alternative to special medicines that are intended for the treatment of hypertension.

How to drink and how many drops to measure at increased pressure?

If the pressure has risen sharply, and there is no other antihypertensive drug in the house, doctors recommend measuring 45 drops of Corvalol oral solution in 100 ml of hot water and taking this medicine with a volley. Improvement of the condition is usually noted after about half an hour.

How to prepare a remedy for heart and vascular diseases at home?

With pathologies of the heart, hypertension, varicose veins, peony, valerian, Corvalol, hawthorn, motherwort, mint and eucalyptus are very effective.
To prepare the medicine, alcoholic tinctures are used in the following proportions: tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony and hawthorn - 100 ml each, eucalyptus tincture - 50 ml, tincture of mint - 25 ml, Corvalol - 30 ml, spice of carnation - 10 bars.
All the ingredients are poured into a bottle of dark glass, the bottle is clogged and placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. The drug should be infused at room temperature.
Take the drug 3-4 r. / Day for half an hour before a meal of 30 drops for each reception, previously diluting the indicated dose in 0.5 glasses of water. The last appointment should be before bedtime. Drink medicine courses lasting 30 days, with weekly intervals between them. Treatment continues until improvement occurs.
The combination of motherwort, hawthorn and valerian helps to improve cerebral circulation, eliminate the consequences of stroke and heart attack, improve hemopoiesis, and also prevents thrombosis.

For children

Experience in the use of Corvalol in pediatrics is absent, in connection with which the children do not prescribe the drug.

Compatibility with alcohol

Alcohol enhances the action of Corvalol. The drug is harmful for patients with alcoholism patients.
Corvalol and alcohol: the consequences of simultaneous use
Simultaneous reception of the drug with alcohol primarily causes damage to hepatocytes and the development of disulfiram-ethanol reaction.
Getting into the blood, alcohol contributes to the increase in heart rate, increased blood pressure and nervous system. Corvalol is taken in order to reduce the increased pressure and calm the heart. Thus, the combination of active components of the drug with alcohol provokes an imbalance and an overload of the body.
Peppermint oil has a vasodilating effect and reduces the viscosity of the blood. Since alcohol increases the effect of the drug, its use in large quantities after taking Corvalol can provoke the development of internal bleeding and hemorrhage into the brain.
Another possible consequence of the use of such a combination is cardiac arrest.
Repeated mixing of Corvalol with alcoholic beverages can cause dependence, which is much stronger than just dependence on alcohol.
This is due to the fact that one of the components of the drug is phenobarbital - a substance from the group of derivatives of barbituric acid, which with prolonged use causes addiction and provokes the development of drug dependence.

Can I drink from a hangover Corvalol?

With a hangover, the use of Corvalol is not only impractical, but also extremely dangerous. Accelerating the course of all metabolic processes in the body due to the active isolation of liver enzymes, the drug thereby contributes to a faster absorption of alcohol in the blood and enhances its destructive effect.
There is also an increase in sedation, which in turn leads to a more pronounced hangover syndrome.
Against the background of alcohol consumption, the symptoms characteristic of the overdose of Corvalol are aggravated: strong weakness, inability to think cohesively, apathy. The probability of developing unexpected reactions is not ruled out.

Corvalol in pregnancy and lactation

Can I drink Corvalol during pregnancy?
In the annotation to the drug it is indicated that both tablets and drops are contraindicated to pregnant women.
The use of phenobarbital in the first three months of pregnancy can provoke anomalies of fetal development, and in the prenatal period - it can cause a syndrome of respiratory distress in a newborn.
Another component of Corvalol - mint oil - can cause an increase in the tone of the musculature of the uterus.
If the question arises whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink Corvalol, doctors respond that during pregnancy should whenever possible refuse to take medication, and, if it is necessary, use the safest.

Corvalol in breastfeeding

The use of the drug in breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Reviews of Corvalol

Reviews of Corvalol in tablets and drops are generally good, because the effectiveness of the drug is time-tested. However, along with them you can meet and negative feedback. They usually note that the drug really soothes, but at the same time very much dulls the reaction and causes inhibition.
Most people know about Corvalol, as a means for calming the heart and treating neuroses, but it turns out that it can also be used as a remedy for acne and herpes on the lips.
When acne appears, cosmetologists advise the coral bolt on drops. For its preparation, grind 1 Aspirin tablet, 1 Metronidazole tablet (or Trichopol) and 1 Levomycetin tablet in a mortar, and then add the resulting powder to 50 ml of the preparation.
Chatter before use, shake well. Wipe face is recommended after washing, optimally - before going to bed. If you believe the reviews, in order to remove inflammation, 3-4 days of the remedy are sufficient.
Some Corvalol solution is applied to acne pointwise. For 3-4 procedures acne noticeably dry up, and the inflammation decreases.
With herpes on the lips, drops are best used immediately, as soon as unpleasant symptoms have appeared. The only drawback of this treatment is that the drug greatly overdoes the delicate skin, so when using Corvalol it is worth taking care of additional care for it.

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