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Boric acid 3% 25ml

  • $2.70
  • 3 or more $2.56
  • 5 or more $2.44
  • Availability:In Stock

Boric acid instructionYou can buy Boric acid onlineBoric acid is an antiseptic drug for external use. This drug is used for various infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including ectoparasitosis.Form of issue and ..

Tags: solution

Boric acid instruction

You can buy Boric acid online

Boric acid is an antiseptic drug for external use. This drug is used for various infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including ectoparasitosis.

Form of issue and composition

External applications - ointment, solution and powder. In each dosage form, the active ingredient is active. Auxiliary components and packaging from the selected form of the preparation:
A 70% solution of ethyl alcohol is included in the 3% solution of boric acid, which is contained in 70 ml vials.
The powder is produced at 2, 10 and 20 g.
5% ointment of boric acid is obtained on the basis of Vaseline, packaged in jars of 25 g.
Various dosage forms and packaging of boric acid make it possible to use it for infectious pathology of various localization.

pharmachologic effect

Boric acid is a powerful antiseptic. It destroys various microorganisms due to the processes of coagulation and denaturation of their intracellular proteins. Boric acid is active against various bacteria, viruses, fungi and ectoparasites (lice, mites).
The drug is used for external use. After application to the mucous membrane or skin, it exerts a pharmacological effect and destroys microorganisms the causative agents of infectious pathology. Boric acid can be partially absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

The use of boric acid as an antiseptic is shown for etiotropic (destruction of the pathogen microorganism) treatment of various infectious processes of skin and mucous membranes, these include:
Acute otitis media (infectious inflammation of the outer and middle ear), which uses a solution of boric acid.
Infections of the skin - fungal skin damage caused by various fungi and purulent-inflammatory processes (furuncle, carbuncle, pyoderma, eczema).
Conjunctivitis is an infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes.
Pediculosis is an ectoparasitosis caused by lice.
In the complex treatment of scabies (parasitism in the skin of an itch mite).
Colpitis is an infectious pathological process of the vaginal mucosa.
The main condition for the correct use of the drug is the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes.

Contraindications for use

The use of boric acid is contraindicated for various pathological and physiological conditions of the body, which include:
Violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes (including the eardrum) in the area of ​​application of the drug.
Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity reaction to boric acid or ancillary components of its various dosage forms.
Pregnancy at any time and breastfeeding - as boric acid is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream from the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, its negative impact on the developing fetus is not ruled out.
Violation of the functional activity of the kidneys with the development of their deficiency.
Children under the age of 15 years.
Before you introduce the necessary in the absence of contraindications.

Dosing and Administration

Regardless of the dosage form, Boric acid is used only externally. It is applied to the area of ​​localization of the infectious inflammatory process. There are such ways of using different medicinal forms of the drug:
A solution of boric acid - applied to the skin or scalp (with pediculosis) with a cotton-tampon 2-3 times a day. To treat acute otitis media, the solution is instilled into the external auditory meatus in the amount of 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.
Ointment - is applied to the mucous membranes with a uniform thin layer, with conjunctiva, a small amount of ointment is placed under the conjunctival sac. Ointment applied 2 times a day.
Powder - this dosage form for the treatment of infectious processes in the skin, followed by wetting (wet eczema), the affected area is powdered with a thin layer 2 times a day.
Duration of the course of treatment of severe course of the main infectious pathological process, degree of symptomatology weakening and drug tolerance. Usually the treatment course is set individually by the attending physician.

Side effects

Most side effects and negative reactions during the application of boric acid are associated with its absorption into the systemic bloodstream, these include:
    Dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, vomiting, unstable stool, abdominal pain)
    From the central nervous system - headache, confusion (until its complete absence), convulsions.
    On the part of the cardiovascular system - a decrease in systemic arterial pressure (hypotension), up to a shock state, tachycardia (rapidity of heart contractions).
    On the part of the urinary system - a decrease in the daily volume of urine (reduced diuresis).
It is also possible to develop local negative side effects in the area of ​​application of the drug in the form of reaction of irritation, desquamation (sloughing of the epithelium). Sometimes allergic reactions develop on the skin in the form of rash and itching, urticaria (a characteristic rash and swelling of the skin, reminiscent of a nettle burn). In rare cases, the most severe course of the allergic reaction is angioneurotic edema of Quincke (pronounced edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the face and external genital organs) and anaphylactic shock (a progressive decrease in systemic arterial pressure with the development of multiple organ failure).

special instructions

Before applying boric acid, you should carefully read the instructions to the drug, it is important to pay attention to several features regarding its use:
    You can not wash cavity organs (stomach, intestines) with a solution of boric acid, as this can lead to severe overdose and absorption of a large amount of boric acid into the systemic bloodstream.
    The area of ​​skin or mucous membranes for powder treatment should not be significant.
    Alcohol solution and powder are not used for application to mucous membranes (with the exception of instillation of the solution into the external auditory meatus).
    The drug can not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 15 years of age.
    The use of boric acid in recommended therapeutic doses according to the instructions does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration of attention.
In pharmacies, boric acid is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. In case of doubt or questions regarding its use, it is necessary to consult a physician.


In case of applying a significant amount of the drug with the absorption of boric acid into the systemic blood stream, the symptoms of acute poisoning develop - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Then, the oppression of the functional activity of the nervous system, the confusion of consciousness, up to its loss, a marked decrease in systemic arterial pressure, are added. With chronic poisoning (the absorption of a small amount of boric acid into the blood for a long time), anemia (anemia), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), alopecia (hair loss), cachexia (severe general exhaustion), and menstrual cycle disorders. In the case of an overdose, general detoxification and symptomatic therapy are carried out. In severe cases of severe overdose, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis (hardware purification of blood plasma) is performed.

Boric acid analogues

Analogues of boric acid on the clinical and therapeutic effect are antiseptics of other groups - levomycetin, chlorhexidine, a solution of the brilliant green.

Terms and conditions of storage

Shelf life from the date of manufacture for the powder is 5 years, for the solution and ointment of boric acid - 3 years. The drug should be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature of not more than + 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

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