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Enterosgel pasta 225gr

  • $25.94
  • 3 or more $25.30
  • 5 or more $24.99
  • Availability:In Stock

Enterosgel user manualReed more and buy Enterosgel on this pageCompositionEnterosgel's composition in the form of a gel is 100% polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. In 100 g of paste contains 70 g of active substance. As an auxiliary c..

Enterosgel user manual

Reed more and buy Enterosgel on this page


Enterosgel's composition in the form of a gel is 100% polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. In 100 g of paste contains 70 g of active substance. As an auxiliary component in the preparation is purified water (in a volume of 30 g for every 100 g of product).
The paste with a sweet taste also includes sweeteners E954 and E952.

Form of issue

Sorbent is produced in the form:
    a hydrogel for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration;
    paste for oral administration.
The gel has the form of a moist, white-colored mass, which consists of lumps of different sizes, which resemble jelly in consistency.
Paste is a thin slurry with 30% water content. It is a homogeneous mass and is in fact a molecular sponge that is able to absorb mainly medium-molecular toxic metabolic products (that is, metabolites having a molecular weight of 70 to 1000).
The color of the paste can be almost white or snow-white, like a gel, it does not have a pronounced smell.
The preparation is packaged:
    135, 270 and 435 g in plastic containers;
    90 and 225 in tubes of combined materials or in plastic cans;
    for 15 and 22.5 g in combined packages.

pharmachologic effect

Absorbent, detoxifying.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance of the preparation is an inert silicon-organic compound.
When applied, it exhibits a sorption effect, effectively adsorbing epithelium-damaging toxic substances of endo- and exogenous origin (antigens, bacteria and the toxins they produce, drugs and their decay products, allergens, etc.), incomplete metabolism products, alcohol, heavy metal salts , and removing them naturally from the body.
Eliminates manifestations of toxicosis, improves the functional state of the intestines, kidneys, liver, normalizes urine and blood.
Enclosing the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, Enterosgel thereby protects the stomach and intestines from mechanical and chemical influences, renews the mucous membrane, restores mucus production in the body and microcirculation, promotes local immunity and normalizes IgA levels.
This normalizes the course of regeneration of the protective layer on the walls of the stomach and intestines, and also shortens the treatment time for most diseases.
Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate is not absorbed in the intestine, is not subjected to chemical or metabolic transformations and is excreted with substances absorbed into it 12 hours after ingestion per os.

Indications for use

Disturbance of the function of the digestive tract is often an impetus to the emergence and development of various diseases. Therefore gel and paste Enterosgel are widely used in gastroenterology, allergology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, toxicology.
The drug has the following indications for use:
    acute / chronic diarrhea of ​​any nature of origin (including viral, bacterial, resulting from food poisoning or after antibiotic treatment, associated with irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, malabsorption syndrome, etc.);
    dyspeptic disorders;
    disorders in the intestinal microflora;
    peptic ulcer;
    intoxication (including narcotics, alcohol, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, chemicals, etc.);
    chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, which are accompanied by the insufficiency of these organs;
    allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, food allergy, acute or chronic urticaria);
    skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, eczema);
    toxicosis of pregnant women;
    oncological diseases (for detoxification during chemo- and radiotherapy, as well as before the surgical operation to remove the tumor and after it).
Healthy people enterosgel is appointed to take for the prevention of IHD, atherosclerosis, chronic intoxication in people engaged in harmful production, and people who live in an environmentally unfavorable territory, as well as for preventive treatment of the body.


Despite the high safety profile of Enterosgel (the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, it is chemically inert, has a strong structure, does not adhere to the walls of the digestive canal and is not absorbed by the tissues), it has contraindications.
The agent is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, acute intestinal obstruction, intestinal atony.
Contraindications to sweet Enterosgel are:
    age to a year.

When should you not take the paste / gel for poisoning?

Enterosgel is contraindicated if the poisoning is caused by corrosive substances (acids or alkalis), some solvents (eg ethylene glycol or methanol), cyanides.

Side effects

The drug may cause dyspepsia. In the early days there is a possibility of constipation. To prevent it in the first two days of treatment, people with a tendency to constipation are recommended to do a cleansing enema or take laxatives (sodium picosulfate, lactulose) at night.
With functional deficiency of the kidneys and liver, a feeling of aversion to the drug may arise.

Instructions for the use of Enterosgel

Gel and paste Enterosgel: instructions for use for medicinal purposes

Pasta is taken orally for an hour or two before or after a similar amount of time after eating or taking other medications. Take a single dose of water.
The volume of the gel corresponding to the single dose before dilution is diluted in a triple volume of water until a suspension is obtained.
For adults it is recommended to take the contents of one package 22.5 g (this volume corresponds to 1.5 tablespoons). Multiplicity of receptions - 3 times a day. The highest daily dose is 3 packets.
In severe intoxication, the dose is doubled. The intake of high doses is indicated in the first 3 days of therapy.
How to take Enterosgel paste for diarrhea? In acute diarrhea, two standard single doses of the sorbent should be taken immediately. In the future, the drug is taken at 1 standard dose after each defecation. After the stool is normalized, the paste is taken at the appropriate age for another 5 days.

Pasta and gel Enterosgel: instruction for use in prophylactic purposes

For preventive purposes, adult patients are given the following dosing regimen:
prevention of IHD and atherosclerosis - 1-1.5 months three times a day for 1 packet;
prevention of chronic poisoning of the body - 7-10 days twice a day for 1 packet;
cleansing the body - 10-14 days three times a day for 1 packet (the course of cleansing is repeated 3 to 6 times during the year).

Recommendations regarding the duration of treatment with Enterosgel

In the case of acute intoxication, the drug is taken from 3 to 5 days, if the poisoning is chronic, as well as in allergic diseases, 2-3 weeks.
The repeated course is appointed or nominated by the doctor.
For children over one year of age, the optimal dosage form is sweet Enterosgel. For babies it is recommended to use a drug in which there are no sweeteners.

Enterosgel from acne

The course of treatment for acne involves the internal and external application of Enterosgel. Inside the drug is taken within 10 days for 1,5-2 hours before meals. The daily dose is 3 tablespoons (one per reception).
Outwardly, the remedy is used in the form of masks, applying it to the acne affected areas 2 times a day for 15 minutes. Before applying Enterosgel skin should be cleaned with water and soap and disinfected with decoction of chamomile.
Comments on Enterosgel for acne indicate that the greatest success in treatment can be achieved by taking the drug with preventive courses according to one of the following schemes:
    monthly for 1 week to 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day;
    twice a year for 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day for 12-14 days.
With a general deterioration of the condition and the appearance of signs of endotoxicosis to suppress pathogenic microflora, Enterosgel is recommended to be taken within 1 month.

Enterosgel for allergies

Allergy is an abnormal response of the body to a foreign protein. Provoke it:
    immaturity of the digestive system (especially in children under one year old);
    excess vitamin D and deficiency of Ca;
With allergies related to digestive system disorders, the use of Enterosgel helps to eliminate toxins from the body, restore intestinal activity, and also prevents the destruction of its mucous by poisonous products of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and the antibodies produced by the body.
Reviews Enterosgel allergies suggest that that condition in bronchial asthma patients aged 2 to 13 years are significantly improved by the 3 day of treatment and after 2 weeks of almost all children fully normalize breathing.
To eliminate fresh rashes with eczema, it takes 6 days. In the future - under condition of competent use of the drug - the process of treatment is accelerated and the function of those suffering from allergies of internal organs is restored more quickly.
Symptoms of digestive disorders - abdominal pain, swelling, defecation disorders - which accompany most allergic dermatoses are eliminated as early as the 4th-5th day of Enterosgel.
Use of the drug to treat atopic dermatitis allows you to extend the period of remission to 8 months (usually remission lasts no more than six months).

Cleaning lymph with licorice and Enterosgel

The main functions of the lymphatic system are the removal of metabolic products from the tissues and the maintenance of immunity. However, the course of lymphatic vessels can become dirty, which leads to health problems.
One of the effective ways to clean lymph is to use Enterosgel in combination with licorice root.
Licorice facilitates expulsion of toxins out of the lymph nodes and their polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate adsorbs and removes from the body without disrupting saprophytic flora and without affecting agents useful for the organism.
To cleanse the body in the morning on an empty stomach should drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of licorice syrup, diluted in 200 ml of warm water, and half an hour after it - 1 tbsp. spoon of Enterosgel. Food can be consumed no earlier than an hour and a half after taking medications.
In order to qualitatively clean the lymphatic system, the treatment is continued for 2 weeks.


Cases of overdose Enterosgel not described.


The drug is able to reduce the effect of other drugs when used simultaneously with them.

Terms of sale

You don't need a prescription to buy Enterosgel online.

Storage conditions

Keep Enterosgel in a place difficult for children at a temperature of up to 25 ° C, avoiding drying and freezing of the drug. The lower limit of the temperature storage regime is 4 ° C.
Shelf life - 36 months.

special instructions

What is Enterosgel?

Wikipedia states that Enterosgel, which is a hydrogel methylsilicic acid (or Polymethylsiloxane Polyhydrate) was first synthesized about 35 years ago, scientists from the Institute of Physical Chemistry L. Pisarzhevskii.
The drug acts on the principle of "reasonable sponge": since the pore size of the substance corresponds to the size of the molecules of harmful substances, Enterosgel is not able to absorb those substances that are vital to the body.
The agent helps restore the epithelial layer of mucous membranes and other tissues in the body, regulate microbiocenosis and increase the immune defense of the epithelial barrier of the intestinal mucosa.
With rigid porous granular structure, it has a sorption, detoxifying, bactericidal effect, irreversibly binds alcohol and its breakdown products, and also allows to mitigate the aggressive effect of endotoxins.

Additional recommendations

In diseases that are accompanied by loss of fluid, the use of Enterosgel should be supplemented by the use of funds that make up the deficit of electrolytes. It is equally important to consume enough fluids during the treatment period.

Application in veterinary medicine

The drug can be given to animals as an emergency aid for poisoning. Optimal for cats dosage - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Dosage for dogs - 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day if the dog is large. Puppies Enterosgel give 1 teaspoon at the same multiplicity of applications.
In particularly serious cases, the dose may be increased.

Which is better, paste or gel?

If you compare the dosage forms by their effectiveness, they are equivalent, and they allow achieving equally good results of treatment. Nevertheless, some people note that paste (especially sweet) is easier to drink than hydrogel.

Which is better: Enterosgel or Smecta?

Smecta is an aluminum magnesium silicate of natural origin. Like its analogue, it does not injure the epithelium lining the gastrointestinal wall, but it can provoke constipation and, with prolonged use, disrupt absorption of nutrients and lead to hypovitaminosis.
Smecta is taken for 9-12 g / day, dividing the indicated dose into 3 or 4 doses.

Which is better: Enterosgel or Polysorb MP?

The basis of Polysorb MP is highly dispersed silica (silicon dioxide). It is produced in the form of a powder that can be used for external treatment of pustular skin diseases (used as a lotion or powder) and preparation of a suspension for oral administration.
Polysorb MP adsorbs metabolic products, toxic substances, enzymes, antibodies, microbes, individual protein-like substances, and also prevents the growth of necrosized tissue focus, removes toxic substances from the site of injury, and improves the ability to restore tissues.
Like Enterosgel, the drug does not injure the mucosa of the digestive tract, but unlike Enterosgel it is more often used for external treatment of wounds (including purulent), mastitis, phlegmon, abscesses. Polysorb is well tolerated. The only side effect may be constipation.
Active substance Polysorb MP is considered to be the most effective for today: if 1 g of activated carbon allows you to cleanse toxins from 1.5 to 2 square meters. m of the intestine, then an analogous amount of silica helps purify about 300 square meters. m.

Lactofiltrum or Enterosgel - which is better?

In the Lactofiltrum, the active substance - hydrolytic lignin - comes in combination with the synthetic disaccharide lactulose, which is liberated and fermented by a normal microflora in the thick intestine, stimulates the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
Because of the prebiotic content, Lactofiltrum is more effective than Enterosgel when it comes to treating intestinal microflora disorders.
If you compare the price of drugs, then Lactofiltrum is more expensive.

What to choose: Enterofuril or Enterosgel?

At the core of the mechanism of action of Enterofuril lies its ability to suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, without violating the normal bacterial composition of the intestinal microflora.
The active substance of the drug is nifuroxazide, an antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent. Indications for the use of Enterofuril are acute and chronic infectious diarrhea (provided there are no signs of helminthiasis).
Thus, the choice in favor of a particular drug is made depending on the indications for use.

Which is better - Enterosgel or Activated Carbon?

In comparison with its analogue predecessor, Enterosgel has several advantages. First, it absorbs exclusively toxins from the body, and activated carbon along with them takes up also the substances necessary for man - minerals, vitamins, etc.
This selectivity is due to the fact that the pore size of polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate corresponds to the dimensions of only those molecules that are harmful to humans. Useful substances can not be absorbed because of the differences between Enterosgel pore diameter and their size.
Secondly, Enterosgel, unlike activated carbon, does not stick to the mucosa of the digestive canal, and, therefore, does not damage it even with prolonged use.

Enterosgel for children

The drug is completely safe for children, so it (if it comes to the usual gel / paste, which does not have sweeteners of taste) can be given to a child from birth.
The most preferred dosage form for enterosgel for babies is paste, as it does not require additional preparation before taking. Gel before the reception is recommended to grind with a blender, so that the child was easier to take the medicine.
According to the instructions, children Enterosgel should be dosed depending on age: after 5 years, gel / paste is taken at 30-45 g / day, dividing the dose into 3 divided doses; from 12 months to 5 years - 15-30 g / day. at the same multiplicity of applications.
Before giving the child the drug, it is bred in 100 ml of water (the older child can wash the paste with water).
Reviews of Enterosgel for children show that children drink the drug without disgust, and the treatment pretty quickly gives good results. Most often the child is prescribed for allergies, and unlike most other agents, Enterosgel allows you to clean the body well from the inside and eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the root cause of the disease.

Instruction for Enterosgel for babies

To children who do not have a year, Enterosgel is prescribed to take up to 6 times a day for 1.7 grams (1/3 tsp). Give the child a sorbent should be before feeding, with a daily dose should not exceed 10 g.

How to give babies Enterosgel?

The drug is mixed with a triple volume of liquid before use: water or breast milk.

Enterosgel and alcohol

Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate effectively binds alcohol and the products of its decomposition in the gastrointestinal tract, and also helps to reduce their concentration in the blood.
Receiving the gel from alcohol poisoning prevents toxic damage to the liver and promotes faster recovery of the functional activity of the organ, allows better preservation of the structure of histohematological barriers and microcirculatory bed, reduce the likelihood of dystrophic changes and desquamation (peeling) of epithelial cells.
Under the influence of the preparation, the enterohaematic and the state of the intestinal microflora are restored, the ability to concentrate and the speed of reactions.

How to drink Enterosgel with a hangover?

If after drinking alcohol in the morning you need to get behind the wheel of the car, to accelerate the excretion of alcohol from the body take 3-4 st. spoon gel / paste immediately after taking alcohol and the same dose in the morning.
To avoid a hangover, you should drink:
    15 g after drinking alcohol;
    15 g in the morning;
    7.5 g in the afternoon (if it was not possible to completely remove the symptoms of a hangover).

Enterosgel for weight loss

Enterosgel has clear indications for use and is not intended for weight loss. However, some nutritionists advise taking it to reduce weight to cleanse the body of toxins that have accumulated in it.
Feedback on the results achieved is quite contradictory. Someone does not notice any changes at all, others note a decrease in body size and weight, but it is difficult to answer what played a big role - taking the drug or regular exercise and dieting.
Thus, Enterosgel - this is not the best way to lose weight, however, taking it, it will not do much harm. Even if the weight remains the same, at least, the slagging of the body will decrease and the skin condition will improve.

How to take Enterosgel for weight loss?

The standard scheme for the use of Enterosgel within the framework of weight loss programs is 45 g / day. between meals (the dose should be divided into 3 divided doses). The course lasts up to 4 weeks, it should be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Enterosgel in pregnancy

Whether it is possible for pregnant women to take a preparation? The annotation to Enterosgel indicates that the use of paste / gel during pregnancy, as with breastfeeding, is not contraindicated.

What helps the drug during pregnancy?

In obstetrics and gynecology, the use of Enterosgel is used to reduce the manifestation of toxicosis, with fetoplacental insufficiency (placental dysfunction), for the treatment of acute and chronic bacterial, viral or fungal vaginal infections.

Reviews about Enterosgel

Gel or paste Enterosgel - reviews confirm this statement - this is a universal thing for all occasions. The drug has established itself as an effective and quick-acting remedy for any type of poisoning and with allergies. A lot of positive feedback and about using it from a hangover.
Very often Enterosgel is prescribed from allergies for children. The choice in favor of the drug is due to the fact that it is completely safe for the child, has virtually no contraindications and rarely causes side reactions.
No less optimistic are the doctors' comments about Enterosgel: the product cleans the intestine and at the same time reduces the load on the liver, due to which it is used not only for intoxication or diarrhea, but also as a remedy for pimples and for losing weight.
For the sake of justice, it should be said that without training and correction of nutrition when losing weight with the help of Enterosgel, it will not be possible to achieve harmony. Nevertheless, even if the body weight does not decrease, the use of a preventive course for the organism will be undeniable.

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