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Levomekol 40gr

  • $6.50
  • 3 or more $6.40
  • Availability:In Stock

Instruction for LevomekolYou can buy Buy Levomekol on this pageThe composition of LevomecholThe composition of the ointment includes a regenerator of tissues dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine) at a c..

Tags: ointment

Instruction for Levomekol

You can buy Buy Levomekol on this page

The composition of Levomechol

The composition of the ointment includes a regenerator of tissues dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine) at a concentration of 4.0 g per 100 g and an antibiotic chloramphenicol (Chloramphenicolum) at a concentration of 0.75 g per 100 g.
Excipients: polyethylene oxide 400 and 1500.

Form of issue

Ointment. Means of external therapy. It is a substance of white (slightly yellowish) color. Packed in 40 g in tubes, as well as 100 or 1000 g in jars of dark glass.

pharmachologic effect

Dehydrating, antimicrobial.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The agent is a combination formulation for topical application. Removes inflammation, shows activity against Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria: Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Without damaging the cell membranes, chloramphenicol easily and deeply penetrates into tissues, while stimulating their regeneration.
Antimicrobial effect persists including in the presence of necrotic masses and purulent discharge.

Indications for use: why use Levomekol ointment?

The drug perfectly removes inflammation and draws pus. Indications for the use of Levomechol are purulent (including those infected by mixed microflora) wounds in the first phase (phase of inflammation) of the wound process.
Levomekol is used as an ointment for wound healing and pressure ulcers, as an ointment for boils, used for neglected forms of hemorrhoids, for calluses, for herpes (for herpes, the remedy is prescribed for suppuration of ulcers - the drug promotes their purification and faster healing), with purulent inflammation in external part of the ear canal, as well as for the treatment of purulent acne.
Ointment is also prescribed as a local treatment for lymph nodes in their inflammation (with acute and chronic lymphadenitis). The main treatment is aimed at the elimination of lymphadenopathy.
The patient is prescribed antiallergic and restorative drugs, vitamins, calcium gluconate. In some cases, an operation may be required to open the abscess, perform antibacterial and detoxification therapy.

The use of Levomechol in colds

In the annotation there are no indications as to the use of the drug for the treatment of colds, therefore its use in the cold is possible only with the approval of the attending physician.
Ointment in the nose from the common cold and sinusitis is used in cases when the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection. Because at home to determine what exactly triggered the disease, the appointment of an antibiotic is possible only on the basis of the results of the relevant analyzes.

What helps Levomecol ointment in dentistry?

The drug has proven itself in the treatment of purulent wounds in the oral cavity. Ointment is effective when:
    trophic ulcers;
    inflammatory processes;
In surgical dentistry it is used for implantation and removal of teeth as a means to help relieve painful symptoms and reduce swelling of the tissues.

Levomekol in gynecology and urology

In gynecology, the drug is used as a local wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent after childbirth and surgeries.
Some doctors consider it expedient to prescribe Levomekol to suppress pathogenic microflora in colpitis.
For men, the drug is prescribed for balanoposthitis and balanitis.

Is it possible to smear Tattoos with Levomechol?

This question is often asked by people who have recently made a tattoo. Experts say that drugs that have wound-healing effect (especially if they contain an antibiotic) stimulate the skin's immunity, which makes the pigment perceived by the body as a foreign body and more actively torn off by the skin.
If there is no inflammation, it is best to use D-Panthenol, Bepanten Plus or a special healing wax Tat Wax to treat the tattoo. The use of Levomecol is allowed only with inflammation and suppuration.


The drug has the following contraindications:

    hypersensitivity to dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (methyluracil) or chloramphenicol;
    fungal skin diseases.

Side effects

Local allergic reactions:
    rashes on the skin;
    local edema;
Sometimes there may be general weakness.
Such symptoms are an excuse for stopping treatment with Levomecol and calling a doctor.
The use of Levomechol in the form of vaginal tampons can lead to the development of candidiasis, in connection with which the drug is contraindicated for thrush.

Levomecol ointment, instructions for use

Ointment is intended for the treatment of adult patients and children older than 3 years.
On the open wound, Levomecol is applied with a sterile wipe or cotton wool: napkin / cotton wool is impregnated with ointment, applied to the affected area (loosely filled with napkins wound), and then fixed with a patch or bandage.
In the same way, the ointment is also used for furuncles: after the surface of the boil is treated with an antiseptic, apply gauze impregnated with Levomecol and attach the bandage with a patch.
Also, the drug can be injected into the purulent cavity with a syringe through the drainage tube (catheter). In this case, the ointment is preheated to 35-36 ° C.
Dressings are performed daily until the wound is completely cleansed of necrotic masses and pus. If the wound surface is extensive, the daily dose of ointment in terms of chloramphenicol should not exceed 3 g.
Levomekol is used for 4 days from the first day of the lesion. Due to the hyperosmolar basis, the drug can not be used for longer than 5-7 days, since in this case it can provoke an osmotic shock in intact cells.
From the 5th-7th day of treatment the patient is transferred to medicines, which restore the integrity of damaged tissues.

Levomekol from corns

Ointment is often used to treat calluses. Open blown corns are treated with the drug every 2-3 hours (preferably under a bandage).
If the corn is watery, it is gently punctured with a sterile needle in 2 places (pre-disinfected the puncture site with a solution of brilliant green or iodine), and then, gently pressing the cotton pad, remove the liquid from it. After that the callus is abundantly greased with Levomecol, and the leg is bandaged.

Levomekol with a cold, sinusitis, ear inflammation

With purulent inflammation with localization on the outside of the ear canal, it is necessary to soak the flagellum from the sterile gauze and apply it to the ear for 10-12 hours. In a similar way, Levomekol is also used for a purulent type of genyantritis.
With a cold (if the mucus is thick, green and poorly departs), doctors sometimes advise you to insert a thick cotton swab soaked in ointment in the nasal passages. Duration of the procedure is 4 hours.

Method of application in stomatology

With lesions of the oral mucosa, with the removal or implantation of the teeth, the preparation is rubbed lightly in circular motions into the affected tissues. Use ointment is recommended 2-3 r. / Day.
After processing the wound for half an hour you should not eat, drink and rinse your mouth.

Instructions for the use of Levomechol in gynecology and urology

With gynecological diseases Levomekol is applied to a sterile tampon and injected into the area of ​​damaged tissues. Tampons are made from sterile gauze, when inserted the tip of the gauze should remain outside (this will facilitate pulling out the tampon).
The replacement of tampons / bandages is carried out daily, because they are impregnated with products of tissue disintegration and pus.
The drug can also be injected into the wound with a syringe. Before administration, it is heated to body temperature.
With erosion of the cervix ointment should be used with great care and only after the woman undergoes a complete examination. Levomekol heals wounds well, but the methyluracil contained in it can cause the development of the tumor process.
The medicine is used only after the cytological examination and colposcopy.
With balanoposthitis treatment is carried out in compliance with certain rules. Achieving the best therapeutic effect is possible only if the ointment is applied to the cleared plaque and pus body parts.
For washing, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used. After washing, the affected area is dried and treated with ointment (Levomecol is applied in a thin layer).
The procedure throughout the day is repeated 1 to 3 times. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Levomekol ointment with hemorrhoids

The use of ointments from hemorrhoids allows:
    eliminate microbes that are potential pathogens of infection;
    increase local immune defense (thanks to this organism is more actively connected to fight infection);
    accelerate the clearance of wounds on the hemorrhoids from the resulting degradation of the inflammatory process;
    to strengthen protein synthesis in cells of the mucous membrane and venous walls of the rectum, thus accelerating the healing processes;
    reduce the likelihood of complications, which manifest themselves as local intoxication;
    relieve pain, swelling, itching and burning;
    dry the damaged tissue (the product has proven itself in the treatment of wetting hemorrhoids).
The above properties of Levomecol make it expedient to use it not only in the early stages of the pathological process, but also to stabilize the patient's condition after surgical removal of the hemorrhoids, and also in cases when the disease occurs with complications.
Before applying the ointment, the anal area is washed with clean cool water and dried with a towel. Apply Levomecol to the hemorrhoids recommended before bedtime. The anus area is covered with a clean cut of gauze.
Treatment is conducted in a 10-day course. During this period, the exacerbation of the disease passes into the phase of remission. Longer use is possible only after consulting a doctor.
It is impossible to completely cure hemorrhoids with Levomecol alone, the therapy should be comprehensive.

Levomekol with burns

The main active ingredient of the drug is levomycetin (chloramphenicol), which is a universal antimicrobial agent.
Chloramphenicol is effective against many strains of bacteria, as well as against individual viruses.
No less important for burns is the stimulation of immunity. The methyluracil, which is part of the ointment, stimulates the formation of interferon and leukocytes. Interferon has immunostimulatory and antiviral effects, and leukocytes protect the body from pathogens.
Also, methyluracil has an effect on cell division and growth, which allows accelerating tissue repair in the lesion focus.
Auxiliary substances (the basis of the drug) increase the effectiveness of the active substances, especially in the presence of necrotic masses and pus.
The drug well disinfects and restores damaged tissues, reduces edema, and suppresses the purulent process. Due to the fact that it has a water base, it is quickly absorbed into the tissues and easily washed off.
This allows you to use Levomecol ointment from burns of any degree (including 3 and 4, which are accompanied by massive necrosis with tissue decay), however, in severe cases the drug is prescribed as an additional remedy on the background of general therapy.
Before using Levomecol from burns, the affected surface is washed, then covered with a soaked ointment with a napkin. Change dressings produced up to 5 rubles / day.

Levomekol from acne

Often apply ointment and acne on the face. The agent is applied pointwise to especially large purulent acne (preferably before going to bed).
After the abscess is opened, Levomecol is placed in the wound region.

The use of ointments in veterinary medicine

Indications for use in veterinary practice are purulent wounds infected with mixed microflora and other purulent-inflammatory processes (for example, infectious otitis or severe forms of acute inflammation of the anal glands in dogs).
Ointment is applied topically and externally. Sterile gauze napkins impregnated with it are applied to the wound surface and fixed with a bandage. In the purulent cavity pre-heated to the body temperature of the animal (35-40 ° C) the drug is injected with a syringe.
Dressings are done every day until the wound clears.
With infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin, the ointment is applied to the affected area with a thin layer of 1-2 r. / Day. until complete recovery. The drug can be used both separately and as a supplement to the main treatment.


In case of an overdose, it is possible to intensify the manifestations of adverse reactions.
Long-term (more than 5-7 consecutive days) external application often provokes the development of contact sensitization, which can cause hypersensitivity reactions during the next use of ointments or dosage forms for systemic use that contain dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine and chloramphenicol.
Therapy: symptomatic.


It should avoid the simultaneous use of Levomecol ointment with oppressive hemopoiesis drugs: cytostatics, sulfonamides, derivatives of pyrazolone.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Store below 25 ° C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life

2 years.

special instructions

The use of the drug may lead to an increase in the reactive sensitivity of the skin, which is subsequently accompanied by hypersensitivity reactions when using Levomecol or dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine with chloramphenicol in the form of medicinal forms of systemic action.
If you need to use the ointment for more than 30 days in a row, you need to monitor the clinical analysis of peripheral blood.
Avoid contact with the mucous membranes and eyes.

Levomekol is an antibiotic or not?

The drug is considered an antibiotic, because in its composition, in addition to the wound healing substance, there is also an antimicrobial drug chloramphenicol.

For children

In pediatrics, the drug is prescribed for children older than 3 years.

Levomekol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of ointments during pregnancy and lactation is possible in cases when, in the opinion of the doctor, the positive effect for the mother exceeds the risks for the fetus / child.
Breast-feeding drugs may be recommended for the treatment of nipple cracks.

Reviews about ointments Levomecol

Frankly, bad reviews about Levomecol find it very difficult. The drug is deservedly considered a favorite ointment by surgeons. The water base allows treating infected wounds from the first days of the development of the pathological process. Ointment effectively fights against microbes, reduces exudation and swelling, helps to remove pus and necrotic masses.
Ointment is used in surgery, gynecology, dentistry, urology, as a remedy for hemorrhoids in proctology (compresses with Levemecol with hemorrhoids accelerate the remission of the aggravated disease and prevent the development of its complications).
Levomekol ointment and acne proved to be very effective. Reviews and photos allow to draw a conclusion that the preparation really quickly and effectively copes with the inflamed purulent pimples.
As an analogue of the ointment, an atraumatic ointment dressing VoskoPran with levomekolem can be used.

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