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Zinovit cream 40ml

  • $22.87
  • 3 or more $22.30
  • Availability:In Stock

Zinovit cream user manualReed more and buy Zinovit cream on this pageCompositionZinovit cream: water, olive oil, glycerin, avocado oil, zinc pyrithione, jojoba oil, shea butter, glyceryl monostearate, cyclopentasiloxane and dimeth..

Tags: cream

Zinovit cream user manual

Reed more and buy Zinovit cream on this page


Zinovit cream: water, olive oil, glycerin, avocado oil, zinc pyrithione, jojoba oil, shea butter, glyceryl monostearate, cyclopentasiloxane and dimethiconol, stearyl alcohol, cetearate 6, cetyl alcohol, stearic acid, squalane, palmitic acid, linolenic and linoleic triglycerides, carbomer, dicalcium glycyrrhizinate, tocopheryl acetate, methylisothiazolinone, retinol palmitate, decylene glycol, lactic acid, sodium hydroxide, butylhydroxytoluene.

Form of issue

Cosmetic Zinovit is available in the following forms:
    cream from allergic skin manifestations (itching / irritation) in 40 ml vials.

pharmachologic effect

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sebostatic, antifungal.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Zinovit Cream

In the antiallergenic cream as well as in shampoo and gel, zinc pyrithione is added, which reduces the intracellular concentration of ATP and favoring the depolarization of cell membranes, leading to the death of bacteria and fungi. This ingredient has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial efficacy, mostly directed against Streptococcus spp., Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. It also manifests its sebostatic effect (normalizing the functionality of sebaceous glands) and keratoregulatory effects (suppressing the pathological cellular growth of the superficial skin layer and eliminating excessive peeling).
In turn, dicalcium glycyrrhizinate (comparable to cortisol with its anti-inflammatory effect), natural oils (which promote absorption, are well absorbed by the skin, nourish and improve its protective function) and fatty (linolenic and linoleic) acids (which are protective components of the skin barrier and support its functionality) potentsiruyut the general action of the cream.

Indications for use

Anti-allergenic cream

For hygienic care of skin for any pathological condition of the skin, which occurs with itching, irritation, flaking and redness in patients from the 12th month (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, atopic / seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, etc.).
In order to eliminate various skin allergic manifestations.
To facilitate the skin condition after the resulting surface burns (thermal, sun).
With an uncomfortable sensation after a bite of insects.
In all pathological cases, when external glucocorticoids are contraindicated (including the skin of the face) or when the patient is afraid of their use.


Zinovit in all its forms is contraindicated in patients with the observed individual intolerance of any of the ingredients of cosmetics or their combination.

Side effects

If the patient's personal hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients (or their combination) of Zinovit cosmetics, negative side allergic reactions (redness, itching / rash, swelling, etc.) can occur.

Instructions for use of Zinovit

Zinovit Cream, instructions for use

Apply anti-allergenic cream should be twice in 24 hours (morning and night), applying a uniform thin layer on the affected skin areas of the face and / or other parts of the body.
Duration of therapy for dermatitis is 3-4 weeks, treatment of psoriasis takes 4-6 weeks. With the remaining skin pathologies, the application of the cream is practiced until the complete disappearance of external negative manifestations.


Information on cases of overdose when using any of the forms of Zinovit is absent.


At this time, there is no reliable data on the interaction of Zinovit with drugs or other cosmetic products.

Storage conditions

All forms of Zinovit should be stored within the temperature range of 5-25 ° C.
Shelf life - 3 years.

special instructions

People who use Zinovit in any form should protect the mucous membranes (especially the eyes) of the body from getting on them the ingredients of cosmetics.


It is allowed to use a line of Zinovit cosmetic products for children from the first year of life.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

The effect of cosmetics Zinovit on lactating and pregnant women has not been studied.

Reviews about Zinovit

Reviews of Zinovit shampoo in case of its use against manifestations of psoriasis, dandruff and other similar diseases were divided approximately equally. Some people remained completely satisfied with his action, others, on the contrary, did not feel any positive effect of shampoo and even revealed a number of side effects (dryness, tangling and even hair loss).
Against this background, reviews of shower gel are an order of magnitude better, perhaps because of the lesser manifestation of various skin eruptions in parts of the body devoid of dense hair.
Reviews for cream-gel and spray for acne and acne are approximately the same and in most cases are positive. Spray and cream-gel for problem skin have proved to be quite good and enjoy enough popularity among people with various diseases, accompanied by skin rashes throughout the body. Negative responses about the Cynovit spray and cream-gel from acne basically speak about the gradual adaptation to the ingredients of these drugs, after which there is a decrease in their effectiveness.
As in the case of shampoo. reviews about the cream of Cynovit were distributed approximately 50/50 between positive, when the effects of the cream helped to get rid of rashes on the skin, and negative, when its application did not lead to any changes in the skin condition.

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