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Almagel A 170ml

  • $19.21
  • 3 or more $18.99
  • Availability:In Stock

Almagel A instructionYou can buy Almagel A hereComposition1 measuring spoon (5 ml) of the suspension contains 2.18 g of an algebra, 350 mg of magnesium hydroxide paste, 109 mg of benzocaine.Additional components: hyethellosis, sor..

Almagel A instruction

You can buy Almagel A here


1 measuring spoon (5 ml) of the suspension contains 2.18 g of an algebra, 350 mg of magnesium hydroxide paste, 109 mg of benzocaine.
Additional components: hyethellosis, sorbitol, water, ethanol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, lemon oil, butyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium saccharinate dihydrate.

Form of issue

Almagel A is available as a white suspension with a specific lemon scent. A transparent layer of liquid can be formed on the surface during long-term storage.
The vigorous shaking restores the homogeneity of the suspension structure. In the cardboard box there is a bottle of 170 ml, an instruction from the manufacturer and a special measuring spoon.

pharmachologic effect

Almagel A reduces the activity of gastric juice in the process of digestion of food, which is achieved by neutralizing free hydrochloric acid in the cavity of the stomach. Under the influence of the medicament, the negative effect of damaging, traumatic factors on the mucous membranes is reduced. The drug has an enveloping effect, adsorbing action.
Included in the benzocaine has a long, local, analgesic effect, which helps to restore severe pain syndromes in aggressive gastrointestinal diseases. Sorbitol is characterized by a laxative effect, the component enhances bile excretion.
The drug is evenly distributed throughout the surface of the stomach, protecting the mucous membranes and preventing the formation of carbon dioxide, causing flatulence.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The components of the drug are not absorbed through the mucous walls and do not enter the bloodstream. Competent use of the drug does not lead to a violation of electrolyte equilibrium, resorption in the digestive tract and does not provoke the development of alkalosis, metabolic disorders.
It is noted that even with prolonged therapy, the drug does not provoke the formation of concrements in the urinary system, it does not irritate the urinary tract.

Indications for use Almagel A

The drug is used in gastroenterology, favorably affecting the mucous membranes of the digestive system.
The main indications for use Almagel A:
    gastritis (acute form, chronic course);
    ulcerative diseases of the digestive system;
    hernia of the esophagus in the diaphragm;
    epigastric pain in the abuse of coffee, nicotine or alcohol;
    inaccuracies in the diet;
    reflux esophagitis (throwing of the contents);
    therapy with NSAIDs and glucocorticosteroids.
Almagel A is prescribed for complex therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus.


    treatment with sulfonamides;
    individual hypersensitivity;
    Alzheimer's disease;
    diseases of the renal system;
    age limit - until reaching the age of one month.

Side effects

    stomach cramps;
    change in taste perception;
    epigastric pain;
Long-term treatment and simultaneous consumption of food, poor in phosphorus, in predisposed patients leads to a pronounced phosphorus deficiency in the body, increased calcium resorption, its excretion by the renal system.
In some cases, osteomalacia is recorded. During treatment it is recommended to eat foods rich in phosphorus. In patients with chronic diseases of the renal system, in addition to osteomalacia,

Almagel A, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The medication is taken orally 30 minutes before meals and at bedtime. Multiplicity - 3-4 times a day, single dose - 1-3 dosage spoons.
Children 10-15 years of age, the drug is prescribed from the ½ adult dose; children under 10 years old - 1/3.
In gastroenterological diseases, accompanied by epigastric pain, vomiting and nausea, therapy begins with Almagel A, then goes to a simple Almagel. The Almagel A package has a yellow color, and the ordinary Almagel has a green color. Vials should be shaken before use to restore the homogeneous structure of the suspension.


The increase in the severity of the described adverse reactions is recorded.


Medicines, the effectiveness of which decreases when taken together with Almagel A:
    glycosides of digitalis;
    salts of iron;

Terms of sale

You can buy Almagel A without a prescription form.

Storage conditions

Protect from freezing. Temperature - up to 25 degrees. Keep vials away from light.
Shelf life - 2 years.

special instructions

Long-term therapy should necessarily be accompanied by a meal rich in phosphorus. The manufacturer does not recommend taking more than 16 dosing spoons per day. If it is necessary to treat such high doses, the course should last no more than 14 days.
The drug is able to block the absorption of most medications, which negatively affects their effectiveness. The recommended time interval between taking Almagel A and other drugs is 1-2 hours.

In pregnancy and lactation

If necessary, the suspension can be used during pregnancy, but no more than 3 days. It is recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

Reviews about Almagel A

The drug is often discussed in forums devoted to diseases of the digestive system. Reviews of Almagel A indicate its good tolerability in the recommended dosage, high efficacy for epigastric pain, heartburn, gastritis.

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