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Flebaven tabs 500mg #64

  • $42.76
  • 2 or more $41.60
  • 3 or more $40.80
  • Availability:In Stock

Flebaven user manualReed more and buy Flebaven hereIndications for useTherapy of symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency:feeling of heaviness in the legs;pain;'fatigue' of the feet.Symptomatic therapy of acute hemorrhoidsDosage..

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Flebaven user manual

Reed more and buy Flebaven here

Indications for use

Therapy of symptoms of venous-lymphatic insufficiency:
feeling of heaviness in the legs;
'fatigue' of the feet.
Symptomatic therapy of acute hemorrhoids

Dosage form

Tablets, film-coated

Contraindications for Flebaven

Hypersensitivity to acting or to auxiliary substances Flebaven.
Not recommended during breastfeeding.

Dosing and Administration (Instruction)

The recommended dose of Flebaven for venous-lymphatic insufficiency is 2 tablets per day:
1 tablet - in the middle of the day and 1 tablet - in the evening, during a meal. The duration of treatment can be several months (up to 12 months). In case of recurrence of symptoms, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment with Flebaven can be repeated.
The recommended dose for acute hemorrhoids is 6 tablets per day: 3 tablets in the morning and 3 tablets in the evening for 4 days, then 4 tablets per day: 2 tablets of Flebaven in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening during the following 3 days.

Pharmachologic effect

The combination of hesperidinum + diosmin in Flebaven has venotonic and angionotectic properties. Reduces the extensibility of veins and venous congestion, in microcirculation - reduces the permeability of capillaries and increases their resistance, improves the indices of venous hemodynamics. Influences on the following venous plethysmographic parameters: venous capacity, venous dilatability, time of venous emptying. Optimal effect is achieved with the use of 2-phlebaven tablets. The combination of hesperidin + diosmin raises venous tone by reducing the time of venous emptying. In patients with signs of severe disturbance of microcirculation, there is an increase in capillary resistance.
Phlebaven's pills are effective in the treatment of chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, as well as in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Side effects

From the side of the central nervous system: rarely: dizziness, headache, general malaise.
On the part of the digestive system: often: diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, infrequently: colitis; frequency unknown: abdominal pain.
From the skin: rarely: skin rash, itching, hives; frequency unknown: isolated edema of the face, lips, eyelids.
In exceptional cases angioedema.

Special instructions

Before you start taking Flebaven's pills, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the use of Flebaven does not replace the specific treatment of other anal disorders. Duration of treatment should not exceed the time recommended in the section 'Method of use' in the instructions. In the event that the symptoms do not disappear after the recommended course of therapy, you should undergo an examination with a proctologist who will choose further therapy.


Significant drug interaction in the treatment of Flebaven together with other drugs has not been identified.

Terms of sell

To buy Flebaven you don't need a prescription.

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