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Nurofen tabs 200mg #20

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Nurofen instruction for useYou can buy Nurofen on this pageNurofen drug is carried to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is used in many areas of medicine for the relief of pain syndrome and the removal of inflam..

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Nurofen instruction for use

You can buy Nurofen on this page

Nurofen drug is carried to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is used in many areas of medicine for the relief of pain syndrome and the removal of inflammation.

Form of formulation and composition of the preparation

The drug Nurofen is available in the form of tablets, coated with a protective coating, for oral administration. The tablets are packed in foil blisters of 10 pieces each in a cardboard bundle, and an instruction sheet with a detailed description is attached to them. On one side of the tablet there is a printed inscription in Latin letters with the name of the drug.
Each tablet contains 200 mg of the active ingredient Ibuprofen, in addition to this, the drug contains auxiliary substances - silicon dioxide, stearic acid, croscarmellose sodium.

Pharmacological actions

The drug Nurofen belongs to the group of NSAIDs and has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect on the body. Due to the active active ingredient included in the preparation, Nurofen tablets contribute to the dilution of blood and prevent the process of gluing together platelets.
When the tablet enters the digestive canal, liberation of ibuprofen occurs, which selectively acts in the lesions, blocking the production of prostaglandins, the main mediators of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome.
The drug is used to relieve pain of varying intensity, as well as in the complex treatment of ARI as an antipyretic.

Indications for use

Nurofen tablets are prescribed to patients for the treatment of inflammatory processes and relief of pain of various genesis:
    Headache, migraine;
    Tooth pain, including arising after tooth extraction;
    Periodic menstrual pain in women;
    Articular pain;
    Muscle pain caused by trauma and sprains;
    Rheumatic pains.
Tablets are highly effective in neuralgia, fever caused by a cold or flu, back pain due to radicular syndrome in osteochondrosis.


Before taking the pill inside the patient, it is recommended to study the drug's instruction in detail. Nurofen is contraindicated if the patient has one of the following conditions:
    Ulcerous lesions of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, chronic peptic ulcer or perforation of an ulcer in an anamnesis;
    Intolerance to ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid;
    Severe heart disease in decompensation;
    Renal and hepatic insufficiency in acute form;
    Pregnancy in the 1st and 3rd trimesters;
    Presence of polyps in the nasal cavity;
    Past difficulties in the patient's breathing, frequent bronchial obstruction;
    Bronchial asthma;
    Age to 6 years;
    Hemorrhagic stroke;
    Genetic diseases of blood, accompanied by a violation of its coagulation;
    Hemorrhagic vasculitis;
    Recent surgery on the aorta or large blood vessels.

With special care, Nurofen tablets can be used with the following conditions:

    2 trimester of pregnancy;
    Cardiac ischemia;
    Treatment with prednisolone or other drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids;
    Chronic gastritis, enterocolitis or other diseases of the digestive canal with a patient's tendency to form erosions;
    High blood pressure;
    Increased lipid levels in the blood;
    Suspicion of intestinal bleeding.

Dosing and Administration

Tablets Nurofen should be taken after meals, without chewing, washing with water or milk to reduce the irritating effect of Ibuprofen on the casings of the stomach and duodenum.
Depending on the indications, the dose of the drug is assigned to the patient individually.
For example, to stop headache or toothache, it is enough to take a single pill. As part of a comprehensive therapy for influenza and colds with fever, the tablets are prescribed 200 mg at a time no more than 4 times a day, necessarily maintaining an interval of 4 hours between doses.
For the treatment of pain syndrome of different origin, 1 tablet is prescribed 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the pain and the characteristics of the patient's body.
Children from 6 to 12 years of age, the dosing regimen is selected by the doctor individually, based on the body weight and indications for the use of the medication.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women in the first 12 weeks are not recommended the use of any medication, including Nurofen. During the research it was found that against the background of therapy with the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is at increased risk of forming a "hare lip" or "wolf mouth."
In the second trimester of pregnancy, drug therapy is possible only if there are life indications in the case when the benefits for a woman far exceed the probable complications for the fetus. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.
In the third trimester of pregnancy, ibuprofen treatment is prohibited, as the risk of fetal hematopoietic anomalies, impaired fetal or neonatal kidney function and the risk of birth bleeding in a woman increases.
Since ibuprofen penetrates into breast milk, the use of Nurofen during breastfeeding is not recommended so as not to harm the child. If necessary, the patient should stop lactation.

Adverse Events

When using the drug for more than 3 days, the patient develops the risk of developing the following side effects:
    On the part of the digestive system - pain in the stomach, development of a drug ulcer, heartburn, nausea, sometimes vomiting, anorexia, stool, difficulty swallowing, development of stomatitis, reactive pancreatitis, enlargement of the liver;
    From the nervous system - sleep disturbance, psychomotor agitation, irritability, confusion, hallucinations, dizziness;
    From the side of the cardiovascular system - increased blood pressure, heartbeat, the development of arrhythmia and heart failure;
    From the kidneys - a malfunction of the body, swelling of the lower extremities, dysuric phenomena, in severe cases, the development of renal failure;
    On the part of the blood picture - a decrease in the level of platelets and leukocytes in the blood, iron deficiency anemia, agranulocytosis, the development of thrombocytopenic purpura;
    From the organs of hearing and sight - noise in the ears, a feeling of stuffiness of the ears, blurred vision, reduced visual acuity, optic neuritis, dryness and increased lacrimation;
    On the part of the respiratory system - dyspnea, increased frequency of bronchial asthma attacks, bronchospasm and bronchial obstruction;
    Allergic reactions - rash on the skin, erythema, urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

An overdose of the drug

It is not recommended to exceed the dose given in the instructions, since in this case the risk of overdose increases, which is manifested by the following clinical symptoms:
    Exacerbation of all of the above side effects;
    Bleeding - uterine, nasal, intestinal, gastric;
    Bradycardia and development of heart failure;
    Perforation of the ulcer;
If such clinical symptoms develop, the patient should seek medical help as soon as possible. In most cases, the stomach is washed, alkaline drinking is prescribed, enterosorbents are prescribed, if necessary, symptomatic treatment.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

Nurofen tablets should not be given to patients at the same time as anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid, or other NSAID medicines, as this increases the risk of side effects and the risk of bleeding.
With the simultaneous administration of Nurofen Cyclosporine, the concentration of the latter in the blood plasma increases and its toxic effect on the liver.
It is not recommended to combine therapy with Rifampicin, barbiturates and tricyclic antidepressants at the same time, as in this case the risk of developing severe hepatotoxicity increases.
Under the influence of Ibuprofen, the contraceptive effect of oral contraceptives may decrease, so women taking pills should take additional measures to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies during Nurofen treatment.
When used in conjunction with the drug Nurofen glucocorticosteroids or estrogens, the probability of developing side effects in the patient is increased.
Ibuprofen enhances the therapeutic effect of hypoglycemic agents, so patients with diabetes require a correction of the dose of the latter and a constant control of blood glucose levels.

special instructions

The drug should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. When using tablets for more than 7 days, the patient should monitor the clinical picture of the blood, with the development of abnormalities, Nurofen treatment is immediately stopped.
It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages during treatment with the drug, since in this case the risk of toxic liver damage increases. If the patient is to undergo surgery, then Nurofen should be stopped and must inform the doctor about the course of therapy.
Since dizziness and blurred vision are possible against the background of taking the tablets, patients should refrain from driving the car.

Leave and storage conditions

The drug Nurofen is allowed for leave from pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. Tablets should be stored in a dark, cool place, where small children can not reach. Shelf life is indicated on the package, after which the medicine should be discarded.

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