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Nurofen Forte tabs 400mg #12

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Nurofen Forte user manualReed more and buy Nurofen Forte on this pageThe drug belongs to the NSAID group. It is designed for the most rapid and effective removal of pain or diminution of the presence of inflammatory conditions pre..

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Nurofen Forte user manual

Reed more and buy Nurofen Forte on this page

The drug belongs to the NSAID group. It is designed for the most rapid and effective removal of pain or diminution of the presence of inflammatory conditions present. It has antipyretic effect. The active ingredient is able to linger in the synovial tissue, so that its concentration in the joints is higher than in the human blood plasma.

Form of issue and composition

This product is available in tablet form. Each tablet has a biconvex and round shape. On the tablet there is a red inscription "Nurofen 400". Above, the tablet is covered with a sugar white shell.
The main element is ibuprofen, the amount of which in 1 tablet reaches 400 mg.
Shown auxiliary elements, in the form of sodium citrate and laurylsulfate, colloidal silica, stearic acid, and croscarmellose sodium.
The shell is made of acacia gum, carmellose sodium, sucrose, red ink, talc, Macrogol 6000, and titanium dioxide.
In contour blisters can be 12 or 6 tablets. In the secondary cardboard box are placed 2 or 1 blister.

Indications for use of Nurofen Forte

Nurofen forte is used for pain in the back, head, teeth. Indications are also painful menstruation, febrile conditions (with influenza and ARVI), neuralgia, pain of rheumatic type, myalgia.


Do not use in children (up to 12 years), pregnant women and in the lactation period. Means is prohibited when the individual sensitivity to any given in the instructions, the substance in the composition, with hyperkalemia, renal insufficiency / liver in severe manifestations, active liver disease, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract - bodies or intracranial hemorrhage, hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, anticoagulation states, erosive - ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract - organs, in the period after the completed aortocoronary shunting. Do not administer tablets with sensitivity to NSAIDs or acetylsalicylic acid.
Carefully prescribed to patients in the presence of heart failure, advanced age, arterial diseases hypertension, cerebrovascular type, ischemia, diabetes (diabetes), dyslipidemia, peripheral arterial disease, cirrhosis of the liver (portal hypertension), syndrome nephrotic, insufficient liver / kidney, hyperbilirubinemia, disease Gastrointestinal tract - organs, blood diseases, somatic diseases. Particular attention is paid to the lactation period, smoking or drinking alcohol, people who take NSAIDs for a long time. Precautions produce assignment means in parallel with anticoagulants, corticosteroids (oral), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antiplatelet.

Dosing and Administration

Children older than 12 years, as well as adults take 1 tablet. It is allowed to repeat this dosage every 4 hours, but not more than 3 tablets in 24 hours. For adults, the daily maximum dosage is 1.2 grams of ibuprofen, for children 12 to 17 years, 1 gram. When using the tablet, it is necessary to drink it with liquid (water). In cases where the symptomatology does not disappear after 2 to 3 ares, the drug is canceled and additional medical advice is provided.

Side effects of Nurofen Forte

Recorded cases of allergic symptoms in the form of rashes / itching of the skin, angioedema, anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, epidermal necrolysis toxic, syndrome Stevens - Johnson and others; decrease in blood glucose, changes in biochemical / clinical blood / urine indicators. Likely considered the appearance of dyspnea, optic nerve lesions, hearing loss, unclear vision, scotoma, eyelid edema, renal insufficiency in acute manifestations syndrome nephrotic, polyuria, cystitis, nephritis allergic, elevated rates of blood pressure, tachycardia, cardiac failure, meningitis aseptic, sleepiness , anxiety, dizziness, hallucinations, diarrhea, gastropathy, erosive lesions in the gastrointestinal tract - organs, pancreatitis and other symptoms.
Side adverse effects are rare if the tablets are taken no more than 3 - day period.

special instructions

Overdosing it may indicate inhibited or depression, stomach pain, low blood pressure, coma, respiratory stop function bradi-, tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, kidney failure. For 60 minutes after the administration, a gastric lavage can be performed. Drinking alkaline type, sorbents, forced diuresis is prescribed.

Interactions of Nurofen Forte with:

    Group NSAIDs or acetylsalicylic acid: undesirable;
    Anticoagulants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors and thrombolytic agents: risk of bleeding;
    Valproic acid, cefotetan, plikamycin, cefoperazone, cefamandole: hypoprothrombinemia.
    Preparations of gold, cyclosporine: an increase in nephro- and hepatotoxicity.
    Substances that block tubular secretion: an increase in plasma concentrations of Nurofen forte.
    Inductors of microsomal oxidation: the probability of intoxication.
    Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation: a decrease in the likelihood of a hepatotoxic effect.
    Vasodilators: a decrease in hypotensive activity; hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide: a decrease in natriuretic efficacy.
    Urikozuricheskimi means: reducing the impact; anticoagulants (indirect), fibrinolytic, antiplatelet agents: increased exposure.
    Ethanol, GCS, estrogens, mineralocorticoids: increased unwanted side effects of these substances.
    Insulin and hypoglycemic substances (oral) derivatives of sulfonylureas: the effectiveness of these drugs is increasing.
    Antacids and colestyramine: a decrease in the absorption of ibuprofen.
    Lithium preparations, digoxin, methotrexate: increase in blood concentrations of these substances.
    Caffeine: increased analgesic efficiency.
Lactation, pregnancy: contraindicated.
Tablets should be taken in the minimum effective dosage, while observing the minimum possible course.
In the treatment of the use of ethanol is prohibited. With the development of adverse symptoms, therapy is discontinued and referred to a profile doctor.
With a long course, constant monitoring of the laboratory parameters of the patient's tests is required.
When the need for the determination of 17-ketosteroids, tablets are canceled 2 days before the study.
Managing complex devices or personal transport: caution is needed. Drowsiness is possible.
Kidney / liver disorders: contraindicated in case of functional impairment. With caution in the syndrome of nephrotic and associated diseases of these organs.
Elderly: Care is required.
Pediatrics: do not use before age 12. The maximum daily dosage at the age of 12 to 17 years is 1 gram of ibuprofen.

Terms and conditions of storage

The temperature regime is not higher than 25 degrees. Children should not come in contact with tablets. The term of validity is 3 years. It is necessary to select places as dry as possible. Do not use after the end of the date indicated on the blister and on the carton.

To buy Nurofen Forte online you don't need a prescription.

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