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Afrin spray 0.05% 15ml

  • $10.16
  • 3 or more $9.99
  • Availability:In Stock

Instruction for AfrinReed more and buy Afrin on this pageComposition1 ml of Afrin Spray contains 500 μg of oxymetazoline, the active ingredient.Additional ingredients: carmellose sodium, disodium edetate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen..

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Instruction for Afrin

Reed more and buy Afrin on this page


1 ml of Afrin Spray contains 500 μg of oxymetazoline, the active ingredient.
Additional ingredients: carmellose sodium, disodium edetate dihydrate, sodium hydrogenphosphate, sodium dihydrophosphate monohydrate, benzyl alcohol, povidone, benzalkonium chloride, macrogol, microcrystalline cellulose, lemon flavor, purified water.
1 ml of Afrin Moisturizing Spray includes 500 μg of oxymetazoline, the active ingredient.
Additional ingredients: carmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate, glycerol, sodium dihydrophosphate monohydrate, edetate disodium dihydrate, macrogol, benzyl alcohol, povidone, lemon flavor, purified water.
1 ml of the spray Afrin Extra includes 500 μg of oxymetazoline - the active ingredient.
Additional ingredients: carmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium hydrogenphosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, benzalkonium chloride, edetate disodium dihydrate, povidone, macrogol, benzyl alcohol, camphor, polypropylene glycol, cineole, levomenthol, purified water.

Form of issue

All three preparations of Afrin are available in the form of a nasal spray, 15 ml each in a vial.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Afrin is an alpha-adrenostimulating local drug with vasoconstrictive efficacy. Local application of oxymetazoline (intranasal irrigation) leads to narrowing of the vessels of the nose, the eustachian tube and adnexal sinuses, which is expressed by a decrease in their edema and relief of nasal breathing in the rhinitis (infectious inflammatory and / or allergic rhinitis).
The inclusion of additional ingredients (povidone, carmellose sodium and microcrystalline cellulose) in the Afrin Spray gives it an additional viscosity, which, when injected into the nasal passages, does not allow it to drain into the throat or leak from the nose, and also, because of a longer stay on the mucosa , contributes to the maximum absorption of the drug.
Auxiliary substances of the spray Afrin Moisturizing (macrogol and glycerol) contribute to the conservation of moisture in the nasal mucous membranes, which helps with their irritation or dryness.
Based on the conclusions of the clinical trials, the intranasal use of an aroma composition identical in composition to the spray of Afrin Extra, including camphor, cineole (eucalyptus), levomenthol (menthol), due to irritation of cold trigeminal nerve receptors on the surface of the nasal mucosa leads to a temporary sensation of their cooling.
The effect of any of the three drugs develops over a period of 60 seconds, gains maximum efficiency within 15 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours.
In the case of intranasal use, oxymetazoline is practically not detected in the blood plasma.

Indications for use

The application of Afrin is shown when:
    acute rhinitis (including allergic etiology);
    paranasal sinusitis;
    vasomotor rhinitis;
    average otitis media;
    carrying out of diagnostic procedures with the purpose of narrowing of vessels of mucous.


Absolutely prohibited use of the drug when:
    atrophic rhinitis;
    hypersensitivity to the ingredients (one or several) drugs or sympathomimetic drugs;
    parallel treatment with the use of MAO inhibitors, as well as another 14 days after the abolition of therapy;
    at the age of up to 6 years.
With the observance of increased precautions, it is possible to use:
    pathologies of the coronary arteries;
    heart failure (chronic);
    severe atherosclerosis;
    arterial hypertension;
    diabetes mellitus;
    renal failure (chronic);
    hyperplasia of the prostate;
    angle-closure glaucoma.

Side effects

In general, the side effects of the drug were observed quite rarely and were of an easy and transient nature. Most patients tolerated therapy without any complications.
Local reactions:
    dryness / burning of mucous nasal passages;
    dryness in the throat and oral cavity.
Reactions of a systemic nature:
    increased blood pressure;
    sleep disorders.
For prolonged use:
    reactive hyperemia;
    atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
    local skin reactions (due to the action of benzalkonium chloride).

Afrin, instructions for use

Spray Afrin is indicated for intranasal use.
Before using the drug, you should vigorously shake the dosage bottle each time.
At the first use, it is necessary to "calibrate" the spray by repeatedly pressing the spray head upwards.
After 6 years, with an interval of 10-12 hours, it is recommended to make 2-3 injections in the right and left nasal passage.
Multiplicity of the drug use by adult patients per day can be raised up to 3 times.
Use the drug is better limited to 5 days.
Exceed the prescribed dosage regimens is not recommended.


In case of a significant overdose or accidental oral administration of the drug, tachycardia, nausea, cyanosis, vomiting, fever, arrhythmia, dyspnea, increased blood pressure, mental disorders, CNS disorders (lowering blood pressure and temperature, drowsiness, bradycardia, respiratory arrest, to whom) were observed.
Carry out a treatment appropriate to the patient's symptoms. If the product is swallowed, the stomach is washed and sorbents are taken (activated charcoal). The use of vasopressor drugs is contraindicated.


The combined use of MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and maprotilin leads to an increase in blood pressure.
Afrin can inhibit the absorption of drugs for local anesthesia and increase the duration of their action.
Parallel use with other vasoconstrictor drugs increases the possibility of side effects.

Terms of sale

To buy Afrin the prescription is not required.

Storage conditions

Spray storage (all three products) requires a temperature of up to 25 ° C.
Shelf life - 2 years.

special instructions

In case of prolonged use (more than 7 days), a relapse of the symptoms of nasal congestion is possible.
It is necessary to take all possible precautions to avoid getting drugs in the eyes.
Continuation of therapy for more than 5 days is possible only after consulting a doctor.


It is not used for therapy of children under 6 years old.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Since the safety of drugs during pregnancy, as well as lactation has not been studied, its use is possible only with the advice of a doctor after weighing all possible risks to the fetus or newborn.


Positive / negative responses about Afrin in percentage ratio were divided approximately 70/30%. Those patients who are helped by this drug note its quick action and high efficiency, although they often emphasize the shorter duration of drug effects compared to what is prescribed in the manual.
Other patients with Afrin did not receive the desired relief of their morbid condition or observed the development of certain side effects (headaches, dry / burning mucous, palpitation, etc.). Perhaps, these conditions were caused by personal sensitivity to the drug or not identified in advance contraindications to its use.
In any case, the problem of nasal congestion with the existing set of similar drugs, represented on the drug market, can not remain unresolved. Listen to the advice of the attending physician and you will find a suitable medicine for you.

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